Poetry from Sevinch Abirova

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair in a pink sweater and black pants standing in front of flags and a stairwell.

Mirzayeva Durdona

Mehri Daryo Durdonam
He has a beautiful eye
A sincere and true word
The only one in my heart

New youth are blessed
Happy birthday
Always smile
Happy birthday

May your eyes be filled with light
May the knowledge be with you
A smile on your face
Always be a companion

There is no equal in the correct vocabulary
If he speaks sometimes, he is not lying
Respect for everyone
No enmity, no envy

The words are also one by one
This is our daughter Durdona

Abirova Sevinch Jumanazar’s daughter is a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Languages of TERDPI

Poetry from Nilufar Anvarova

Central Asian teen girl peeking out at the camera with her head in her hands. She's got a painted floral scene in the background.

Thanks to Erkin Vahidov

Owner of embroidered naves, 

Talks about humility. 

A slanderous scumbag,

In poems, he looks at the Motherland. 

A raven’s wing to the darkness, 

He is like a peach. 

A beautiful leaf of willows, 

He is like art. 

When hope fades in war, 

The Uzbegim nyomi was published.

Even the speechless nightingale, 

He used to say country and country.

Honorable Mr. Uzbek,

It is worth thousands of applause. 

Once upon a time,

It will turn into a bird, a bird! 

Nilufar Anvarova, 8th grade student of Erkin Vahidov creative school, Margylan city

Essay from Maftuna Bozorova

Young Central Asian woman speaks at a podium with a flag and a screen behind her. She's got dark hair in a ponytail and a dark coat over a white blouse.

Maftuna Bozorova O’lmas qizi

First-year student in Uzbekistan State World Languages University, foreign language and literature faculty.

ABSTRACT: This article brings your attention to the link between languages and cultures. The information about the ways of defining this connection, the information about language and culture is provided in an understandable manner.  Furthermore, the reasons why we need to learn other languages are delivered to the readers.
KEYWORDS: link, acquiring, social system, attributes, nationality, brainstorming, incorporating.

How we define the relationship between language and culture?

As humans, we need certain language to share our thoughts, opinions to others. Language is the key factor for our communication and for delivering our messages in the correct form. Human culture can not exist without language. We may find connection between two of these terms, when we try to learn the language first. Because, every language learner will get to know about the culture, by acquiring knowledge about other country’s traditions, the way of thinking, their outfit. In order to get connected with foreigner, people need to learn that language. Exchanging and brainstorming ideas, sharing different opinions helps people to learn about certain culture, allowing  nationalities unite together. Of course, the provided link to do so can be developed through the language.

What is language?

Language serves as a mirror of the culture, reflecting its values, social systems, and attitudes. Culture shifts and revolutions are often reflected in the language spoken by its members. Language is the most fundamental aspect of cultural identity. This means of communication give assistance to us to convey our innermost self from generation to generation. In most cases, the principal purpose of  language is to advance communication, in the sense of transmission of information from one person to another. It is evident that today humans’ life would be impossible without the use of language.

What is culture?

We may define culture as a term that refers to people’s horizons, their way of eating, their way of talking and walking, and even their way of dressing. People show their customs and traditions to the world. It is also worth noting that the whole society will disappear without culture. This is a vehicle to make them different from other nationalities. Culture is the attributes and knowledge of a particular group of people, incorporating the language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, arts, and the way of celebrating weddings, birthday parties, and holidays. It is a really broad concept. The term “culture” can be substituted for the word “mannerism”.

The link between language and culture in the world today.
In today’s fast-paced world, many youngsters  are learning foreign languages like English, Russian, German, Korean as their second language, this is leading to increased bilingualism. Those who are obsessed with tones of work in one country and stayed stable in one job have many opportunities to go abroad by learning their language. It is fact that having enough information about the country you are visiting may prevent you from having a culture shock. Young people are using available chances to go to the foreign countries. If you learn the language, you will have enough information about that culture automatically. The sources, materials, music, articles you are using in order to learn the language will provide you with better insight to the culture.

Why do we need to learn other languages?

Well, this is really a reasonable question. Nobody requires or forces us to learn some foreign languages. It is definitely depends on our interests. It is essential to learn new language to become a better member of society, to gain more and more opportunities to travel around the world, to get higher salaries in our job from foreign states, to have a successful business career, to get in touch with the world, to have more general imagination, to think in different way and of course, there are a lot to count. By acquiring a foreign language and by communicating with the people whose this language is their native, we can broaden our horizon, thereby increasing our social skills, creative and critical thinking skills.


Essay from Murodjon Asomidinov

Financial Literacy and Saving Money: A Path to a Prosperous Future

Murodjon Asomidinov is the son of Farkhod

Tashkent region, Bostonliq district,

 9th grade student of a specialized school


Financial literacy and saving are crucial elements for ensuring personal financial well-being in today’s rapidly changing economic environment. This article examines the concept of financial literacy, its importance, and the role of saving in paving the way to a prosperous future. It discusses the importance of making informed financial decisions, the impact of saving on individual economic stability, and the significance of investing for long-term wealth generation. By improving financial knowledge and applying these practices, individuals not only enhance their income potential but also adapt more effectively to economic changes in society. This article provides insights into how financial literacy and saving contribute to a stable and prosperous future.

Keywords: Financial literacy, saving, investment, personal finance, economic stability, prosperous future, financial planning, goal-setting, decision-making.

Today, economic changes, various financial crises and unexpected situations force many people to face their financial situation. Thus, the importance of financial literacy and saving money has increased dramatically. Financial literacy includes not only knowledge of finance and economics, but also money management, saving and effective investing.

A high level of financial literacy enhances an individual’s ability to manage their finances, while also greatly helping to ensure future economic stability. In this, the role of saving money is also important. This article details the relationship between financial literacy and saving money, and how these processes pave the way to a prosperous future.

Financial Literacy: Meaning and Importance

Financial literacy means not only managing financial resources, but also taking a rational and knowledge-based approach to making personal and family financial decisions. Improving financial literacy also encourages people to save money, invest, manage debt and improve their financial situation.

Increase financial literacy

To improve financial literacy, one must first understand the basic concepts of finance. For example, it is important to have financial information, budget, meet tax obligations and know how to pay off debts. An understanding of developments in international financial markets, investment strategies and risk management is also essential.

Another important aspect of improving financial literacy is self-financial education. This can be achieved through distance courses, books, articles and seminars. Today, it is very easy to obtain financial knowledge through online resources, which provides a convenient opportunity to use this knowledge in various areas of life (Shamsutdinova, 2023).

Financial decision making literacy

Literacy is very important in making financial decisions. People need to analyze their income and expenses, determine the necessary savings and investment options in order to make the right decisions. For example, when creating a family budget, it is necessary to plan expenses, monitor monthly income spending and direct it to savings.

With a high level of financial literacy, people make the right decisions about saving, borrowing and investing effectively. Thus, they create a solid foundation in ensuring their well-being (Davronov, 2023).

Saving money: basic principles and methods

Saving money is an important factor in ensuring financial stability. Through the habits of saving money, a person not only improves his current financial situation, but also prepares himself against unpleasant situations that may arise in the future.

Basic principles of saving

The first and most important principle of saving money is accurate planning of income and expenses. It is necessary to spend a certain part of the earned income on savings every month. To achieve this goal, it is important to correctly estimate monthly expenses and income. For example, you should spend 20-30% of your monthly income on savings. For this, it is recommended to classify costs and reduce unnecessary costs (Karimov, 2022).

Another important principle of saving is to create an emergency fund. It is very important to accumulate the necessary amount of savings for unexpected situations such as emergency funds, illness or job loss.

There are several effective ways to save money. One of the most common methods is budgeting and tracking expenses. By having a clear view of their income and expenses, a person will be able to reduce unnecessary expenses.

In addition, using the automatic saving method is also effective. For example, a certain amount of income can be automatically transferred to the fund every month. This method is especially convenient for individuals who require responsible financial management.

Investing is also important as part of financial literacy and saving money. Through investments, it is possible not only to increase current savings, but also to create sources of passive income.

There are many different ways to invest. The most common types of investments are stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. Each type of investment has its own risks and benefits. Therefore, before investing, it is necessary to analyze the market and get financial advice (Shamsutdinova, 2023).

Stocks are investments in shares of companies. By buying shares, individuals can share in the company’s profits. Also, bonds are another form of investment, which means betting on debt bonds issued by various organizations.

Investment and risk management

Before investing, an investor should determine his level of risk. Risk management plays an important role in financial literacy. It is possible to reduce the risk of an investment portfolio by means of diversification (dividing investments into different assets).

Road to a prosperous future

Financial literacy and saving money is one of the most important tools for personal and family well-being. They help maintain a solid financial position in a changing economic environment. Through personal financial management and effective investing, everyone has the opportunity to make their future sustainable.


Financial literacy and saving money are important in everyone’s life. Together, these two elements play an important role in ensuring personal well-being. By increasing financial knowledge and developing saving habits, one can improve not only the current financial situation, but also the future. It is also important to increase income through effective investment and risk management. Thus, by becoming financially literate and saving money, everyone can take steps towards a prosperous future.

                                           List of references:

1.Shamsutdinova, M. (2023). Moliyaviy savodxonlikni oshirish: Amaliy yondashuv. Toshkent: Iqtisodiyot nashriyoti.

2.Karimov, R. (2022). Tejash va investitsiya qilishning asosiy tamoyillari. Toshkent: Moliya va iqtisodiyot.

3.Davronov, B. (2023). Moliyaviy qarorlar qabul qilishda savodxonlikning o’rni. Tashkent: O’zbekiston iqtisodiyoti.

Poetry from Umida Haydaraliyeva

Central Asian teen girl with her dark hair in an embroidered headscarf and a blue coat and white blouse stands in front of the Uzbek flag.

Pen fee

There was a commotion in the village,

A message spread.

Our neighbor Mashrab brother

It’s a great piece of writing.

Taralibdi dovrugu,

Across seven neighborhoods.

Even this in the city

Everyone who walked said.

Then go to the publisher

Print your work.

To the money from it

Take a dry bag.

Umida Haydaraliyeva  Bahromjon qizi.

 Student of “B” grade of 8th creative school named after Erkin Vahidov, Margilan city in Uzbekistan.

Poetry from Muhabbat Abdurahimova

Central Asian teen girl with straight dark hair and a headdress and a white blouse and a blue coat standing in front of an Uzbek flag.

The surroundings are quiet and peaceful

Inspiration comes to the poet,

He writes poetry slowly,

Even without lying down to sleep.

Inspirational poets

From a beautiful nature.

But this is a poet

Inspiration from the dark.

About beauties 

He wanted to write.

But once

He wished he could see them.

Muhabbat Abdurahimova G’ayratbek qizi

Student of “B” grade of 8th creative school named after Erkin Vahidov, Margilan city in Uzbekistan

Poetry from Ilhomova Mohichehra

Respect for the teacher 

Thank you so much, teacher,

You have worked hard.

Always be respectful,

There is no time for fatigue.

Let your hard work be justified,

Let us protect you.

Always smile,

Push the era.

Let us remember you,

Let us enjoy the lessons.

When asked, “Who is your teacher?”,

Let us think of you in our minds.

I have boundless respect for you,

I have not disrespected you.

You who taught us,

Thank you, teacher.