Poetry from Wazed Abdullah

Young South Asian boy with short black hair and a light blue collared shirt.
Wazed Abdullah

Time ticks on, a constant beat, 
Days and nights in a rhythmic sweep. 
Moments pass, both fast and slow, 
As we watch our lives unfold and grow. 
Seconds tick, hours run, 
Life moves on, one by one. 
In each breath, every rhyme, 
We feel the touch of time.

Wazed Abdullah is a student of grade nine in Harimohan Government High School, Chapainawabganj, Bangladesh.

Story from Nosirova Gavhar

Central Asian teen girl with straight dark long hair, brown eyes, a blue collared shirt and her head in her hand.
Nosirova Gavhar

When I was a child, I only wanted to be a doctor when I grew up and heal people.

Today, I was sitting in front of the window in desperation, I needed a doctor myself. My eyes are weak, I could not see the beauty of nature. I had only one dream in my heart – to heal people. At that moment I remembered that my father had a violin in an old chest. A few years ago, he taught me how to play the violin.

For some reason I never played it. As soon as I opened the window, the outside world was blowing cool. As I played the violin, the birds stopped chirping, the noise of the street was instantly silenced. My heart seemed to be filled with light.

Out of joy, I made it a habit to play the violin every day. The gentle melody that came out of it soothed the wounds of my heart. Every day, my violin lovers would gather in front of my window and listen to music. Then I realized that if we sincerely intend and strive for it, Allah will deliver everything. 

Doctors can heal people, but God gave me the happiness of healing their hearts. Music heals and comforts the human soul. My father’s words: «Weakness should be turned into strength» came to mind today. I turned this weakness into strength and achieved my childhood dream. Now, every day, the audience called me the number one violinist.

Nosirova Gavhar was born on August 16, 2000 in the city of Shahrisabz, Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. Today, she is a third-year student of the Faculty of Philology of the Samarkand State University of Uzbekistan. Being a lover of literature, she is engaged in writing stories and poems. Her creative works have been published in Uzbek and English. In addition, she is a member of «All India Council for Development of Technical Skills», «Juntosporlasletras» of Argentina, «2DSA Global Community». Winner of the «Korablznaniy» and «TalentyRossii» contests, holder of the international C1 level in the Russian language, Global Education ambassador of Wisdom University and global
coordinator of the Iqra Foundation in Uzbekistan. «Magic pen holders» talented young group of Uzbekistan, «KayvaKishor», «Friendship of people», «Raven Cage», «The Daily Global Nation», Argentina's «Multi Art-6», Kenya’s «Serenity: A compilation of art and literature by women» contains creative works in the magazine and anthology of poets and writers.

Poetry from Faleeha Hassan

Young Central Asian woman with a green headscarf and a dark colored blouse and brown hair and eyes.
Faleeha Hassan

Do not be scared of me
I’m not an alien
Coming from space
Hiding its horrible sensors
Under its hood
I am not here to attack you
Don’t be scared
I am not a female spider
Hiding in her web
Trying to wrap your body with my silken thread
I am not a barbaric woman
Just dancing on the drums of death
I am a woman like you
Smiling like you
walking on my feet like you
crying, laughing, dreaming and singing like you
The difference between us is
in the war I lost so many…
It’s a scarf
My scarf
See it, touch it, feel it
Do not let it cover your mind
From seeing the real truth

Faleeha Hassan is a poet, teacher, editor, writer, and playwright born in Najaf, Iraq, in 1967, who now lives in the United States. Faleeha was the first woman to write poetry for children in Iraq.
She received her master's degree in Arabic literature, and has now published 26 books, her poems have been translated into English, Turkmen, Bosnian, Indian, French, Italian, German, Kurdish, Spain, Korean, Greek, Serbia, Albanian, Pakistani, Romanian, Malayalam, Chinese, ODIA, Nepali and Macedonian language. She is a Pulitzer Prize Nominee for 2018, and a Pushcart Prize Nominee for 2019.
She's a member of the International Writers and Artists Association.
Winner of the Women of Excellence Inspiration award from SJ magazine 2020, and the Winner of the Grand Jury Award (the Sahitto International Award for Literature 2021). She served on the Women of Excellence selection committees for 2023, was a winner of a Women In The Arts award in 2023 and a Member of Who's Who in America 2023. She's on the Sahitto Award's judging panel for 2023 and a cultural ambassador between Iraq and the US. 

Poetry from Mahbub Alam

Middle aged South Asian man with reading glasses, short dark hair, and an orange and green and white collared shirt. He's standing in front of a lake with bushes and grass in the background.
Mahbub Alam
For the face of Love

I gain the power to fly in the sky
The charm that always knits me
The glow of sunrise
 Of threads in a space so sweet
Unconsciously where I go and come back
No hindrance or bar to cross the Red
Only its your face of love
Make me so powerful to win the race
You stand by me and I like a phoenix
For a love bird I fight from my birth
I die and survive till the last sigh
The green always smiles over
On the seedlings of the paddy
I ride on the cart and reach my home
Sing out the song
‘Bohu diner pirit go bondhu
Ekey dine vengo na’.

Chapainawabganj,  Bangladesh
18 June, 2024.

Md. Mahbubul Alam is from Bangladesh. His writer name is Mahbub John in Bangladesh. He is a Senior Teacher (English) of Harimohan Government High School, Chapainawabganj, Bangladesh. Chapainawabganj is a district town of Bangladesh. He is an MA in English Literature from Rajshahi College under National University. He has published three books of poems in Bangla. He writes mainly poems but other branches of literature such as prose, article, essay etc. also have been published in national and local newspapers, magazines, little magazines. He has achieved three times Best Teacher Certificate and Crest in National Education Week in the District Wise Competition in Chapainawabganj District. He has gained many literary awards from home and abroad. His English writings have been published in Synchronized Chaos for seven years. 

Poetry from Nigar Nurulla Khalilova

Light skinned Central Asian woman with short blond hair and a tight blue top under a black sweater, seated at a brown wood table.
Letter to the mother

Mom, don’t wait for me,
Crying nightly, daily.
It rains here in the fields,
Screaming heart-rending.
Mom, don’t injure my soul
With eyes swollen from insomnia.
Sunrise each morning, I saw,
Bloody light sobbing.
How I would like to kiss,
Dry your bitter tears.
How can I live in peace,
If you yourself not despair?!
At the scope of the eagles, there,
In the farewell procession mountains.
Take off the black cover,
Straighten your shoulders, smile!
Look at that height right under sky,
Flag pulling hands to you.
I am your son, I am alive,
Leaving homeland to you.

Nigar Nurulla Khalilova, poet, novelist, translator from Azerbaijan, Baku city, currently in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She is a member of Azerbaijan Writers Union. Nigar N. Khalilova graduated from Azerbaijan Medical university, holds a Ph.D degree. She has been published in the books, literary magazines, anthologies and newspapers in Azerbaijan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, USA over the years. Nigar N. Khalilova participated in poetry festivals and was published in the international poetry festivals anthologies. Conducted data in the Austin International Poetry Festival (AIPF), 2016-2017.

Poetry from Elmaya Jabbarova

White woman with long black hair and a black blouse with flowers on it.
Elmaya Jabbarova
The Philosophy of the Eyes
Scholars are searching, travelers are wandering, 
World secrets are always a mystery. 
Longing for thousands of years,  
Finally, the poet found fancy eyes! 
I'm glad those eyes are mine, 
The poet knew him as a deep ocean, 
He placed the earth and the sky in it, 
Seeing justice, mercy in my eyes! 
Elena's angelic beauty, 
By the trickery of the hypocrite's eye, 
She tamed Achilles with charm, 
Destroyed Troy before her eyes! 
Every word, conversation has its own meaning, 
Secret glances have their touch, 
The eyes have both healing and suffering, 
The poet sees heaven in my eyes! 
He is a man of the philosophical world. 
Parvanah is in love the candle burns alone 
He strongly believes in unattainable love. 
It deserves respect in my eyes!

Elmaya Jabbarova was born in Azerbaijan. She is a poet, writer, reciter, and translator. Her poems were published in the regional newspapers «Sharginsesi», «Ziya», «Hekari», literary collections «Turan», «Karabakh is Azerbaijan!», «Zafar», «Buta», foreign Anthologies «Silk Road Arabian Nights», «Nano poem for
Africa», «JuntosporlasLetras 1;2», «Kafiye.net» in Turkey, in the African's CAJ magazine, Bangladesh's Red Times magazine, «Prodigy Published» magazine. She performed her poems live on Bangladesh Uddan TV, at the II Spain Book Fair 1ra Feria Virtual del Libro Panama, Bolivia, Uruguay, France, Portugal, USA.

Poetry from Maja Milojkovic

Younger middle aged white woman with long blonde hair, glasses, and a green top and floral scarf and necklace.
Maja Milojkovic

In the garden of love, an orchid blooms 
Amid the scent of jasmine, a rose smiles, 
While the sea quietly sings with its waves, 
Swans dance, and the heart finds solace. 
Seagulls soar high above the sea, 
In white attire, you stand quietly alone, 
Your smile brings me hope and longing, 
Through the desert we go, 
I wish to give you my love. 
Heavenly horses gallop at night, 
In our dreams, love lives, 
I feel your touch from afar, whenever I wish. 
With you, I would go anytime, anywhere, 
Our world is a garden of love, stretching endlessly, 
Where the desert rose blooms, 
I've come to you with my soul. 

Maja Milojković was born in 1975 in Zaječar, Serbia.
She is a person to whom from an early age, Leonardo da Vinci's statement "Painting is poetry that can be seen, and poetry is painting that can be heard" is circulating through the blood.
That's why she started to use feathers and a brush and began to reveal the world and herself to them.
As a poet, she is represented in numerous domestic and foreign literary newspapers, anthologies and electronic media, and some of her poems can be found on YouTube.
Many of her poems have been translated into English, Hungarian, Bengali and Bulgarian due to the need of foreign readers.
She is the recipient of many international awards.
"Trees of Desire" is her second collection of poems in preparation, which is preceded by the book of poems "Moon Circle". 
She is a member of the International Society of Writers and Artists "Mountain Views" in Montenegro, and she also is a member of the Poetry club "Area Felix" in Serbia.