Even when refurbished to incorporate beautiful en-
suites or worn with denim for a smart casual style
property derived from things from nature is a step back in time.
The Bull Moose Convention
at Chicago is the successful result of the praxis of a fused group, unlike the states of antiquity & the great tangle of Marxist thought. It is a complex & powerful reiteration construct, its symbols fashioned from a bicycle seat & a set of corroded handle-bars with minimalist turn signals, its own words of power based upon the repetition of a handful of major triads, its rituals aligned with the cycles of withdrawal & return in morphine-dependent mice.
Seeking meaningful employment
The meatless meal was really professional & serious, a combination of heuristic procedures, anything but boring. The
dislike was the algorithm
it produced, a nested
while-loop which included three inner loops, crispy on the outside, soggy within.
Tax credit for home buyers
We’re always getting lack- luster troubadours. What I want is an offensive magician who can, by exploiting luminescence spectroscopy, turn late afternoon tea & scone parties into a world tour by Gogol Bordello.
Because when i opened my eyes, dead bodies exist everywhere
No schools
No home
No toys
I keep my eyes closed
I live peacefully
Eva Petropoulou Lianou
Ashok Kumar
Critical Appreciation: “Peace, Prayers for a Peaceful World” by Eva Petropoulou Lianou
In the realm of contemporary poetry, Eva Petropoulou Lianou’s “Peace, Prayers for a Peaceful World” stands as a powerful and poignant masterpiece that pierces the heart and soul of humanity. This poem is a profound exploration of the human experience, delving into the complexities of war, violence, and the longing for peace.
The poem’s central theme of the speaker’s dream of a peaceful world is a powerful metaphor for the universal human aspiration for harmony and tranquility. Lianou’s lines, “I dreamt about it / I closed my eyes years ago / I saw children playing with dolls,” create a vivid image of a world where innocence and joy reign supreme. However, the speaker’s reluctance to open their eyes, “Because when I opened my eyes, / dead bodies exist everywhere,” is a heart-wrenching reminder of the harsh realities of war and violence.
One of the most impressive aspects of this poem is its use of imagery and symbolism. The image of children playing with dolls is a particularly striking one, highlighting the ways in which war and violence destroy the innocence and joy of childhood. The contrast between the peaceful world of the speaker’s dream and the harsh reality of war is also noteworthy, underscoring the ways in which violence can shatter our hopes and dreams.
The poem’s themes of peace, war, and the human condition are equally compelling. Lianou’s lines, “No schools / No home / No toys,” speak to the ways in which war and violence can destroy the very fabric of our lives, leaving us without the basic necessities of human existence. The speaker’s decision to keep their eyes closed, “I keep my eyes closed / I leave peacefully,” is a poignant reminder of the ways in which we often try to escape the harsh realities of the world around us.
Throughout the poem, Lianou’s voice is characterized by its lyricism, depth, and emotional resonance. The poem’s message is both timely and timeless, speaking to the universal human aspirations for peace, harmony, and tranquility that transcend borders, cultures, and generations.
In conclusion, “Peace, Prayers for a Peaceful World” is a masterpiece of contemporary poetry that deserves to be widely read and studied. Eva Petropoulou Lianou’s poem is a powerful exploration of the human experience, peace, war, and the longing for a better world, and its themes of hope, resilience, and the human condition will resonate with readers long after they finish reading.
January 24, 2025
Dr Ashok Kumar from Baraut BAGHPAT UP INDIA BHARAT
Two dogs ran in front of the SUV ahead and the lab took it viciously to its side at 50 MPH. There was an ugly thud and then the dog’s hideous screaming. The SUV stopped hard while the lab struggled to right itself, side ripped open, intestines pouring out. That driver then went unthinkable, cluelessly backing up over the dog as I honked and honked. Right then I wanted to kill that driver. ‘Cept it could have been me or anyone and I knew it.
The slashed-up dog dragged itself to the side of the road and tried to throw itself into the bushes. Why’d I’d leave my snub-nose home? The dog wouldn’t recover, wouldn’t live. I didn’t want it to suffer, but what to do? If I went back, grabbed my piece and ended things, I’d be “saving” the dog but what trouble awaited if anyone misunderstood? Nix legal troubles! But if I drove off, how long would it suffer? If I tried to forget things, I’d be a bastard and even more tortured. But doing nothing? Frozen there stuck in a dog paradox equation.
I decided to…
No, instead I called Sandi and cried like a goddamned baby.
Scott C. Holstad has authored 60+ books & has appeared in the Minnesota Review, Exquisite Corpse, Pacific Review, Long Shot, Wormwood Review, Chiron Review, Santa Clara Review, Southern Review, Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal, Kerouac Connection, Processed World, Dream International Quarterly, Sivullinen,Nidergasse, Gangan Verlag,Ginosko Literary Journal, Ink Sweat & Tears, Hidden Peak Press, Mad Swirl, Bristol Noir, PULP & Poetry Ireland Review. He holds degrees from the University of Tennessee, California State University Long Beach, UCLA & Queens University of Charlotte. He’s moved 35+ times & currently lives near Gettysburg PA.
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is stuck in suburbia, plotting his escape. He has been recently published at The Beatnik Cowboy, The Dope Fiend Daily, Disturb the Universe Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash and Yellow Mama. His next book will hopefully be out sometime in 2025. In the meantime, you can find him daily on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)
We are thrilled to announce a call for submissions for the poetry anthology Prism of Consciousness. This anthology will accompany the upcoming VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE CAESURAE COLLECTIVE SOCIETY, jointly organised by the Centre for Indian Arts and Cultural Studies (CIACS), Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, Department of English, Cooch Behar College (affiliated to the university), and Caesurae Collective Society in collaboration with Sri Vishnu Mohan Foundation, Chennai. The conference will be held from 9–11 April 2025 at Cooch Behar, the erstwhile princely state in West Bengal, India.
The anthology seeks to weave a fabric of poetic expressions that resonate with the theme of consciousness—exploring the mind, the self, and the infinite cosmos—weaving together poetic voices that reflect on what it means to be aware, alive, and interconnected.
Date : 9, 10, & 11 April 2025
Venue : Cooch Behar College
Place : Cooch Behar, the erstwhile princely state in West Bengal, India
Prism of consciousness—a profound interaction of thought, emotion, and awareness that shapes our experience of reality. We invite poets to explore this theme in all its dimensions:
Mind and Self: Reflections on identity, awareness, and the inner workings of thought.
Interconnectedness: The interplay between individual consciousness and the external world, including nature, society, and the cosmos.
Altered States: Dreams, meditations, mystical experiences, and other states of awareness.
Cultural Perspectives: Diverse interpretations of consciousness across traditions, philosophies, and spiritual practices.
The Future of Consciousness: Technological influences, artificial intelligence, and the evolution of awareness.
1. Eligibility: Open to poets worldwide. Submissions in English are preferred.
2. Submission Limit: Up to three poems per person; one poem will be selected.
3. Format: Submissions must be in a single Word document, with each poem on a separate page. A high-resolution headshot photograph (JPEG format) is required.
4. Length: Individual poems should not exceed 37 lines. The bio should be a succinct biographical narrative of up to 111 words, written in the third person.
5. Originality: Submissions must be original and unpublished works. We kindly request that you refrain from simultaneous submissions and choose to share your work exclusively with our anthology.
6. Declaration: Include a cover letter affirming that your submitted work is entirely your own and has not been published elsewhere.
7. Personal Information – Provide the following details in the body of your email: full name, postal address with landmark, email address, and mobile number.
Your submission must include the following:
1. Poem(s)
2. Bio
3. Photo
4. Declaration
5. Personal Information
1. Submissions will only be considered for selection once all five required items are provided as per the guidelines.
2. The decisions of our selection process are final and irrevocable.
Subject Line: “Submission: Prism of Consciousness Anthology”
1. For Co-authors:
Co-author may purchase copies at a discounted rate before publication.
2. Paperback Price:
Market Price: Rs 600/- (for international authors: $60/-) plus delivery charges after publication.
Discounted Rate for Co-authors: Rs 480/- (for international authors: $45/-), including delivery charges before publication.
The book will be launched during the conference in Cooch Behar (West Bengal), with featured poets invited to participate in a special poetry reading session and discussions.
Please note that the poetry reading session and discussion will include participants whose work has been selected for the anthology Prism of Consciousness.
If your poem has been selected and you wish to participate in the conference at Cooch Behar, kindly email us. We will send you the registration form.
Same as the conference email.
Same as the conference registration fee.
Registration will close on 22nd February 2025.
Join us in creating a poetic philharmonic that resonates across minds, hearts, and worlds.
The conference is an interdisciplinary gathering of thinkers, researchers, philosophers, and artists, united in the pursuit of unraveling the mysteries of consciousness. It will feature academic sessions, poetry readings and discussions, book launches, music workshops, an exhibition based on the theme, lecture demonstrations, and cultural events. By linking this anthology to the conference, we aim to celebrate the poetic voice as an essential element in exploring human awareness.
The conference Paradigms of Consciousness and Its Cultural and Aesthetic Expressions seeks to investigate the diverse ways in which consciousness and spirituality are understood, experienced, and articulated across disciplines and cultures. Consciousness, as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, transcends disciplinary boundaries, integrating philosophical, artistic, scientific, cultural and psychological perspectives. This conference offers a platform to explore these intersections, delving into the deep connections between the mind, self, and the world, as expressed through various cultural and aesthetic forms.
Selected papers will be published in a volume by an international publisher and in our ejournal: Caesurae: Poetics of Cultural Translation (ISSN 2454-9495)
Registration process should be completed within 7 days of acceptance of Abstracts
Registration Fees – Rs 2000 for participants in India and 25 $ for overseas participants + Caesurae Membership Fee – Annual (Rs 500 / $6 for overseas participants) / Life (Rs 5000/ $ 60 for overseas participants).
Accommodation (On request) for twin sharing rooms: Rs 3500
(Registration fees will cover access to the plenaries and panels of the Conference, including the musical, literary and Zoom sessions of the international speakers, as well as a Participation Certificate. A working lunch will be provided and a conference kit.)
** It is mandatory to take Caesurae membership for participating in our conferences. If you are a Life Member you must only pay the Registration Fee. If you are an Annual Member and have not renewed your membership you either you become a Life Member or take an Annual Membership.
How to pay Registration fee and Membership fee?
Once we accept your abstract, we will send you our Bank details and a Google Form link.
✓ For Registration and Caesurae Annual Membership: Rs 2500/-
✓ For Registration and Caesurae Life Membership: Rs 7000/-
✓ For Registration + Annual Membership + Accommodation: Rs 6000/-
✓ For Registration + Life Membership + Accommodation: Rs 10,500/-
Eva Petropolou’s review of the poem “Looking For You” by Yatti Sadeli
Looking for you..
Looking for you behind every unhappy moment
For Why
In every world that just started
Looking for
For every woman murder
Is our world
Only for riches and technocrats
Are They going to survive with their robots
That will sing songs to make their faces smile??
Looking for you
This excellent mind
Unique thought
Looking for you
In this empty world
With the empty minds
Is this world
Creating illusions
To keep the world silent and sleepy
While the beast are eating flesh
During the Holy night
Looking for you
In this big planet
Full of plastic
Just i wonder
Why the half of world
Want to destroy the other half??
Looking for you
In this madness
Of children
Disappear of
How the babies
Will come
If the man that plays
Destroy the feminine
By Eva Petropolou Lianou
Eva Petropolou Lianou
This poem touches my heart because you wrote it in a serious poetic style. The diction and phrases you use are not trite. You have done an excellent job opposing genocide. Yes, currently peace is just an illusion. But through this poem, you have tried to strengthen hope because otherwise there would be nothing left. Thank You. We hope that your written work will inspire change in the feelings of anyone who agrees with genocide in Palestine.