Poetry from David Sapp


I’m delighted when I hear

A crinkling in my pocket

When I walk. I think

I’ve forgotten some money,

Surely a ten or twenty,

A distinguished portrait,

A little green man

Staring back at me.

Then I remember a scrap

Of paper from a grocery list.

At breakfast I scribbled

A thought, a letter,

The outset of something-or-other,

But nothing too moving.

I smile. I am happy.

This is grand.

The Evidence

Here, here is the evidence.

Listen! Pay attention

To a relentless repetition,

Of cruelty, of greed.

In the reign of the tyrant,

Let’s be unequivocal

In what we witness

Despite elaborate obfuscations,

Grotesque rationalizations.

Let’s not stand idly

Wringing pristine hands.

In the reign of the tyrant,

The benevolent king’s compassion

Suddenly a wistful memory,

We’ve lost our humanity.

Our homeless, our aged –

Our veterans plagued

With the images of both

Righteous and absurd war –

Our children, our children,

Suffer a little more,

Die a little faster,

Ostracized, marginalized,

Neglected, deported, all

In the reign, in the name,

At the whim, of the tyrant.

An Effort

The core of the Sunday paper

is not news: a glossy

circular, three pages of

Guns! Guns! Guns!

Sale! Sale! Sale!

a Christmas Spectacular.

Pretty, pink pistols for girls,

youth-action-lever for boys

(hyperbole unnecessary),

there’s no effort in squeezing

a trigger, a seductive little tug.

A child could do it.

However, enormous effort

is required to kill a man, or

an old man, a woman, a child,

so many in the ditches of My Lai,

so many at their desks at Sandy Hook,

our enemies, our enemies. 

This all takes time:

an effort to mine lead,

dig and move and sift and drain

the earth for steel, brass, plastic,

an effort, so much thought,

in drafting an efficient weapon.

Our efforts are clever

flying a young man

around the world to end a life

and irrevocably transform his.

Spare no resource. Spare no expense.

Such effort, such effort,

our expertise is astonishing.

Big Men with Big Machines

I got out of bed

To distinguish between

Verity and incubus.

Periodically, this dream,

In variations of anxiety,

Arrives abruptly and unbidden.

(What would Sigmund say?)

Drawn to my window,

I see men have come again,

Big men with big machines,

Loud and busy and blunt.

They produce a clipboard,

Papers with official signatures,

Authority indisputable but all wrong –

The crazy logic of the psyche.

There is chaos everywhere,

Mounds of dirt, sod, and rock,

As they dig an enormous hole,

Its width and depth terrifying.

My house teeters on the lip

Of the chasm, everything

I know, everyone I love

Will fall in, buried and forgotten.

And on each round of this 

Subconscious carousel,

I fail to comprehend why

I simply surrender,

More puzzled than troubled

Over my capitulation.

Three Curses

Ellen the secretary,

an unlikely sorceress,

more grandma than harpy,

squinted and poked

two fingers at the air,

an object of malevolence.

I was inclined to take cover

then considered a favor,

a handy malediction.

But she used her gift with

discretion, rarely exacting

curses in seventy-one years.

At the county fair, when her

daughter was muscled out 

of a ribbon for her rabbit

by another, pushy, rather rabid 

mother, the other kid’s bunny 

was dead by the end of summer.

When her quiet respite, 

an unobtrusive strand, 

egrets, herons, waves lapping,

but prime lakefront property,

was bulldozed, within the year, 

the condominiums caught fire 

and burned to the ground.

When her boss, a mean, petty

little bastard, endeavored

to eliminate her position,

he was diagnosed with cancer

soon after and nearly lost an eye.

Ellen the secretary.

Sexy Thing

I’m your sexy thing.

You leer, you lust,

Your desire, my pleasure.

I’m your ecstasy,

Your smutty reality.

All the good girls seethe,

My armor sheath

Stunning, steely, specious

Angles and curves.

I swivel my hips.

Saunter up your street,

And all the boys’ heads

Turn, instantly in love.

My tread is my power,

My dread silencing critics,

Clink, clink, clink.

Shamelessly I grind

Against your soft body,

Pierce your skin,

Snap your bones,

In mud, in sand, on brick,

Caen, Kursk, Budapest,

Prague, Tiananmen, Kuwait.

Ride me, fire me,

I’m such a blast,

My lurid muzzle,

My fiery retorts,

Boom, boom, boom,


David Sapp, writer and artist, lives along the southern shore of Lake Erie in North America. A Pushcart nominee, he was awarded Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Grants for poetry and the visual arts. His poetry and prose appear widely in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. His publications include articles in the Journal of Creative Behavior, chapbooks Close to Home and Two Buddha, a novel Flying Over Erie, and a book of poems and drawings titled Drawing Nirvana.

David Sapp, danieldavidart@gmail.com

Aphorisms from Yahia Lababidi

Cover of Yahia Lababidi's book. Front has his title in yellow and gold and a photo of his face. Back is in green with white text and a quote from Naomi Shihab Nye.

Is it possible to master words? 

Yes, in silence. 

The best protection against life’s corrupting  experiences is innocence. 

Loneliness is the price we pay  

for not embracing aloneness. 

Those for whom the natural is extraordinary tend to find the extraordinary natural.

The problem with celebrity culture is that the 

superficial external lives of strangers concern 

us more than our own profound inner life. 

There are many ways to donate blood: writing is one. 

Words of wisdom are not stolen, they are borrowed, until we make them our own.

Yahia Lababidi’s new book What Remains to be Said is available here from Waterstones and contains a fuller collection of his aphorisms.

Eva Lianou Petropolou on the life of Nino Camardo

Black and white photo of an older Italian man with a hat with a brim, a coat, a beard, and reading glasses. He's painting on a canvas in a studio.
Nino Camardo

We have decided with his son Alessio Camardo, to share important moments about the great personality, master painter Nino Camardo, so the people will know more about his amazing and very important artistic work.

EVA Petropoulou Lianou 

Official ambassador for

Maestro Nino Camardo



Media partner

Personal curator

Of master

Nino Camardo

Great artist

Alessio Camardo


An extract from the CV of Maestro Nino Camardo

He emigrated very young, at just 13 years old, crossing skies, seas in search of a life different from the one that presented itself before his eyes, hoping to be able to realize my dreams, his wonderful world, his essence his pride his humanity his dignity and on the gift. Nino Camardo, in the 70s, still young compared to other painters, participated in major events of naive painting, which had created highly successful personal exhibitions and events and distinct artistic movements of naive painting, in Italy and abroad. Famous writers wrote that he was the first Italian naive known in the world, something that few painters could boast.

In the 1960s he received national and international awards such as the award from the Centro di Studio di Roma, an award for art studies, art in the world and loyalty to art, silver medal from the Italian President Giovanni Leone, Honorary Academician of the Vatican State, Ambassador of art in the world, Knight of the Cross of Malta and many other awards and first prizes, medals, cups, diplomas, certificates he was also given a horse.

Inserted in the Getty Museum, Wikipedia in several languages. Numerous were the personal exhibitions. He was one of the first to export his art in the world such as New York, Miami, San Francisco, Mexico, Toronto, Los Angeles etc.. in Italy he was one of the first to have a personal exhibition in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, department of antiquities, fine arts and cultural problems of the municipality of Rome and many other personal exhibitions in Italy, his works have been sold all over the world.

My father has known a lot in the world of art from Picasso, Giorgio de Chirico, Salvador Dalì, Jo Pomodoro, Guttuso, Giovanni March, etc… being the youngest he defines them as their fathers in interviews made by national radios such as Vatican Radio live from Rome and broadcast in several languages ​​and I attach the others. He was a friend of Mike Bongiorno, the golden couple of comedy Sandra and Raimondo Vianello, Franco and Ciccio Ingrassia, etc.. also singers like La grande Mina, Riccardo Cocciante, Renato Zero and many others.

Flat image of a dark haired family, the man with a coat and a beard and sideburns and the woman with her hair covered and a jacket, and the child with a flower in her hair. Above them is a green parrot and a medallion window of a grassy meadow with trees, horses, a small figure of a man, and some other animals and trees and blue sky.

Essay from Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Central Asian young woman with long curly dark hair, black coat, and white ruffled blouse. She's holding a wooden basket with red roses and standing in front of a bookshelf filled with books.

Highlights of the Brightest year

Time has many definitions, such as “flowing river”, “deep wind”, “irrevocable wealth” and it always amazes us. Because sometimes we don’t even have time to feel it. Just yesterday it was summer, the sun was shining, people were tired of the heat and went to cool places, but suddenly today it seems like a severe winter has came and our thick hats are covered with snow. It’s hard to believe that another year behind us is the name “old”. And the summary made at the end of the year will make someone happy and someone’s tongue will be dulled. But, no matter what happened, everyone is happy when they summarize the past year. After all, how many people did not reach these moments, did not make plans and dreams for the new year, did not pass through a passage of high time. I’m happy too, of course. Because, I am finally writing about the past year. Every year is refreshing and rich in memories. 2024 was the most intense, important and special year. Why?

 First of all, I graduated from the school where I spent most of the last eleven years with excellent grades. During those times, we grew up, learned letters, met our first teachers, classmates, and achieved our first victories. The first of many unforgettable memories was in our school. And the year 2024 signed and closed the book of this period…

Moreover, this year provided unforgettable moments of learning, realizing its value and living as an applicant. After graduating from school, I specially prepared for university entrance exams in the summer months. I felt like I was drowning in the sea of ​​knowledge, far from my home, without a phone, without distractions. Indeed, knowledge is a sea without end. The best teachers connected me with this sea. Everyone around me worked hard for their future. We have become a family gathered at the same destination for the same purpose. It was very difficult… Sleepless nights, long types of books, painful results… Especially the burden of trust, hope, and responsibility on our shoulders was heavy. The heart was constantly running between poor sweet dreams and fear.

One day… One exam day showed the result of so many efforts and aspirations. I was grateful for my fate. I can’t thank my parents enough for always supporting me. Because they gave opportunities and confidence, taught to be on the path of knowledge and specific goals. “I wish all parents were like them,” I said, crying involuntarily. In the villages, little attention is paid to the education of girls. Grandparents and parents rarely invest in their daughters’ education. But my grandfather and grandmother are the people who expected me to become a student more than me. Their prayer, motivation and faith had a special place in this event.

So, in 2024 I got the name “Student”. As I dreamed, I was accepted to study English philology and language teaching faculty at the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan with a score of 182.4 on the basis of a state grant. I have achieved one of my biggest goals for the year. I started the fall season as a student. I really felt that being a student was a golden age. Living independently in a new way of life, away from family, is not easy. But this is an inevitable life for everyone. My love for my university is different. In it, my teachers share new knowledge with us, new friends, new agenda, new library and books, new city, new bedroom, new adventures, new photos on my phone, new conversations with my parents, family and scholarship money, my new card… I love all of them. 2024 will be remembered in my future life with this sweet news.

They say, “A person who stops reading books stops thinking.” One of my biggest fears in 2024 was to stop thinking. It doesn’t matter when, where, how much you read. In fact, not to become materialistic in the city where life is boiling every second, emphasizing the economic aspects. It is the most important thing not to become a stranger to activities that you love, that are truly beneficial for you, that bring perfection to your soul, and not to lose your identity. This year I took a break from creativity. Nevertheless, in April 2024, I won the second place in the regional stage of the “Dillarda Vatan Madhi” competition . I was awarded with cash prizes. My creative works were published in newspapers and magazines. There were times when I really wanted to write…I couldn’t. But it is clear that what I felt this year will  affect what I write in the future. “The best investment is an investment in science!” I tried to invest in my knowledge. By studying in the educational program of “Kelajak: ilmi qizlar hamjamiyati”, I progressed and developed in a certain sense. I also successfully graduated from the Turkish language classes of “Ibrat Academy”.

I really believe that there is wisdom in all of my losses and unfulfilled plans. As much as possible, people should pay attention to the positive aspects of the events that are happening in their life, be thankful for everything, because then life will start presenting bright gifts. I am happy to have discovered many new experiences, new destinations, new feelings, to be with my family, to live the days I dreamed of. A short summary of this year could have been written much more. But as I said above, time surprises us with its speed. The new year is coming with greetings. Making beautiful intentions for 2025, creating a map for dreams… Oh, there’s still a lot to do. What about you, dears? Have you summed up the year 2024, did you give thanks? Have you set goals for the new year? If your answer is “no”, I would like to remind you: The future happiness, the tears of joy that will flow from your eyes suddenly will be the result of your actions, hard work that you are doing today. Appreciate the time!

Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Uzbekistan Journalism and Mass Communications

University English philology and teaching languages faculty

First year student.

Poetry from Rachida Belkacem

French woman, young middle aged, with straight dark hair, brown eyes, some makeup and earrings, blue-green top and necklace.

« Nos cœurs sont pleins de printemps, vivre est une prière que seul l’union des hommes peut exaucer » Rachida Belkacem                                            

“Our hearts are full of spring, living is a prayer fulfilled only through men’s union”

« Le ciel n’est pas sans mémoire, nos vies l’emplissent de notre courage intense et notre humanité. »Rachida Belkacem.                                                     

“The sky is not without memories, our lives fill it with intense courage and humanity”

« Tu naquis le jour de mon crépuscule, 

La lueur éclairant mon chemin,

Me tendant la main,

Faisant éclore d’un geste les fleurs, 

Transformant chaque combat,

Par ta présence épurant le monde,

Le transformant en bénédiction divine »

“You are born the day of my dusk,

The light shining on my path,

Handing me your hand,

Making flowers blossom with a gesture,

Transforming every combat,

Purifying the world through your presence

And transforming it to a divine blessing

Les secrets de l’appartenance

Certains regards ne sont pas d’aujourd’hui,
Ils reflètent un ailleurs lointain,
Une histoire,
Une vision portant les âmes de nos ancêtres,
Certains sont plus puissants que d’autres,
Plus souverains, 
Ce sont des guides,
Que les hommes appellent suppléments d’âme.
Ce regard est libre, s’affranchit des exigences de l’instant.
Témoin de nos amnésies diurnes.      

The secrets of belonging

Some looks are not from today,
They reflect a distant elsewhere,
A history,
A vision carrying the souls of our ancestors,
Some are more powerful than others,
More sovereign,
They are guides,
That men call soul supplements.
This look is free, frees itself from the demands of the moment.
Witness to our diurnal amnesias.

Sonorités intérieures

J’ai caché des fleurs dans tes silences,
Ton absence me murmure intensément : rien ne dure,
Tout continue d’exister,
Il su’it d’apprendre à voir,
Je me laisse envahir par les notes de ta voix,
Un murmure fragile, chargé de vérité,
Hypnotique et onirique,
J’y crois. 
Je n’ai pas le choix,
Je te porte en moi, 
J’ai caché des fleurs dans tous les silences, 
Elles me parlent d’éternité dans l’éphémère.
Je n’ai pas le choix,          
J’y crois.


Inner sounds

I have hidden flowers in your silences,
Your absence whispers to me intensely: nothing lasts,
Everything continues to exist,
It is enough to learn to see,
I let myself be invaded by the notes of your voice,
A fragile whisper, full of truth,
Hypnotic and dreamlike,
I believe in it.
I have no choice,
I carry you within me,
I have hidden flowers in all the silences,
They speak to me of eternity in the ephemeral.
I have no choice,
I believe in it.

I was born in Hauts-de-France, live in Ile-de-France, graduated in occupational health from the University of Paris-Est Créteil.
I have been involved in the world of culture in France and Morocco for several years.

A former radio columnist, I was decorated with the High Badges of the Divine Academy in Paris in 2018 and in 2021 with the title of Grand Ambassador of Culture and the Arts for my investment in the field of international culture.
In 2020, I had the pleasure of being a member of the jury for the literary prize “D’ailleurs et d’ici” when it was created by Marc Cheb Sun.

My first novel “La révolte des secrets” was published in January 2020.
I collaborated on the book “Morocco de quoi ont-nous peur” under the direction of Abdelhak Najib and Noureddine Bousefiha Editions Orion.
True to my dual French and Moroccan culture, I was chosen and featured in the art book “Le temps des femmes libres” by Abdelhak Najib alongside 150 committed and inspiring women in Morocco and the diaspora. A book dedicated to women, to all Moroccan women who have marked their time, women who distinguish themselves through their journeys and their paths in life.

In 2021, I published in France a collection of poetry “Phronésis” Editions Mindset, (Illustrations Ilham Laraki Omari painter). It has been available on the mindset, Amazon, Fnac websites and in all bookstores in France since July 2021.
In 2022, I also participated in the international literature event in January, a literature festival where life meets literature: “Panorama International Literature Festival 2022” representing France.
I also participated in the Paris-France event, placed under the theme “Morocco, land of cultures and arts” at the Fondation Maison du Maroc – FMDM as an author and speaker.

I had the privilege of exhibiting and signing my books at the famous and prestigious Carrousel du Louvre in Paris in April 2022 with Divine Académie.
On October 8, 2023, I received the literary prize “Coup de cœur” at the book fair in the city of Soissons in France for my collection of poetry “Phronesis”. A fair paying tribute to women and writing.”
This literary journey led me to be appointed President of the René Depestre literary prize in 2023 for Editions Milot and the Adventus Nova association in Paris, a prize to pay tribute to the illustrious writer René Depestre whose work remains a source of light. A unique international prize allowing authors from all continents visibility and spotlighting. The strength of this prize is to bring an audience together with a work, regardless of the country.

A commitment with an international dimension that honors me.
In 2024, I preface and participate in the collective work Poésie: Luttes et Combats published by Milot, a collective work under the direction of Amar Benhamouche, a reflection by authors of different sensibilities on the place of poetry today and tomorrow.
Finally, I participated in several book signing sessions with readings and spoke at numerous conferences in France and abroad.
I remain on humanist themes with an attraction to nature, women, and their connection to the world.

Poetry from Fayowole Benjamin


& today I want to write about war.

Of a country. So, I pick a book to write.

& in this book, I saw another book trying to become a book.

a history. & this book birth six pages of beautiful calligraphy

filled with scars from the aftermath of a war—

A testament of time and memory.


A baby drank the blood of his parents

when he saw a bullet pass through them.


Our village men bare their chest

in boldness, handling a metal they never knew

& fell like autumn leaves. One..

Two. Three. More.


 Fire rained from the sky

and thousand dropped into the ground.


A boy was crying in the middle of a burnt village

that his father went to the farm,

&  his mother went to the market,

& not one of them came back home.


The village chief went to the

empty field, then to the marketplace,

& to the riverside,

& the only treasure he found

is the ashes of his peoples.


Every day, we blend war into our skin,

and chew its aftermath like a bitter kola.

But we never learn how to let it go

off the memory of love.


It is the late hour of the moon.

Cookoo- roo-koo, a rooster crowed and

We bent our knees and watched it kiss the ground.

we knot our hands and let it it beat our hearts upward.

we shiver, the rain splash, we grit our teeth

& say words broken between lines

that thunders the earth,

& lighten  the sky.

Darkness threatened to overcome light

& we say, more words like fragment

of a broken water caged in our hearts.

Before the tattered altar,

Our soul withered away like the wind.

Away to the top of a lonely mountain,

where we bury ourselves in God’s memory.


Let me begin this poem like this;

A heartless song surfaces in love’s lust,

& its sour melody strikes the string of a old

zither killing the silence of  night.

Outside my window pane, under the purple light,

a lonely bird sits on a grass of reeds

& sings a song of loss; it builds a castle of grief,

A friend wrote; Life is such a greasely wound.

Let me begin this poem again.

A heartless song surface in love’s lust,

& In fields where we once played football,

like the dried leaves from a tree, many souls fell.

Some are children that got lost on their mothers back

& some are children that got lost with love’s intoxication.

A god once passed by this field, and played

a sonorous tune to the voices in the unknown.

Poetry from Ashraful Kabir

South Asian man in a brown top with designs down the middle and short brown hair standing in front of a bookshelf.


Despite a lot of searching, no road can be seen today.

The only way is to go wrong,

Wandering in the wrong direction;

I lost consciousness on my troubled feet, 

Just behind the illuminated light in an imaginary way.

This is not an intoxication at all

As with any other branches of thought;

Surrounds me like a narcotic.

Question-arrows are thrown at the shadowy time of evening

Hieroglyphic is diagnosed during the trip;

Flying unknowingly, I get indifferent and disappointed, 

Just sit across from the thought behind the conversation.

Yet the same path is often repeated;

I wish I could float a Sampan-boat,

I anchor somewhere near the new lake,

And deliberately change the radar – to the North-south-east-west

Being Amundsen, get involved in searching a new path

Only a difficult vow remains inside the pole of mind.

The pathways are all colourful today. 

The algae and wild high-grasses have sprouted 

Got leaned and worn out. 

Day goes by, night goes by and while waiting for eternity –            

The exhausted path of discovery only turns into an amphibian.

Ashraful Kabir is an essayist & literary critic from East Rampura, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He can be reached at raselasraful@gmail.com