The Great Disco Ball of Berghain, Berlin, GermanyThe Great Disco Ball of Shoom, London, UKThe Great Disco Ball of Space, IbizaThe Great Disco Ball of the Limelight, New York City, NY, USAThe Great Disco Balls #2
"My disco ball series is inspired by Andy Warhol’s painting/wood cut of Marilyn Monroe Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe ( Like Andy, I created four separate disco ball images and then in a new image combined all four images. I chose the background to have a contrasting color to the central disco ball. I find contrasting colors by using the color wheel and doing a google search “what is the opposite of a color (e.g., blue)." To place the disco ball in the center of the page, I used Canva, editing the disco ball image to be aligned to the center. The works were named by concatenating the prefix “The Great Disco Ball of” with the suffix from the google search, “what were the most famous discotheques?” and picking among the top 20 that were in different continents."
The Great Disco Ball of Fabric, LondonThe Great Disco Ball of Studio 54, NYCThe Great Disco Ball of the Paradise Garage, NYCThe Great Disco Ball of the Warehouse, ChicagoThe Great Disco Balls #1Robert Fleming
Robert Fleming (b. 1963) is a visual poet from Lewes, Delaware, United States. Robert follows his mother as a visual artist and his grandfather as a poet. His art is influenced by the artists Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, and Pablo Picasso.
"My disco ball series is inspired by Andy Warhol’s painting/wood cut of Marilyn Monroe Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe ( Like Andy, I created four separate disco ball images and then in a new image combined all four images. I chose the background to have a contrasting color to the central disco ball. I find contrasting colors by using the color wheel and doing a google search “what is the opposite of a color (e.g., blue)." To place the disco ball in the center of the page, I used Canva, editing the disco ball image to be aligned to the center. The works were named by concatenating the prefix “The Great Disco Ball of” with the suffix from the google search, “what were the most famous discotheques?” and picking among the top 20 that were in different continents.
Four Dimensions Aren’t Enough
in the 1/5th:
eyes eyeball an inverted lemon chiffon castle turret
the blind see a bald eagle three miles away
ears wave a green Labrador dog hearing first thunder
the deaf hear moth’s ear wax squeak
fingertips spark supernovas
the unhanded touch manatees without touching them
tongues lick fluffy pink fiberglass cotton insulation
the untongued taste catfish tail receptors
nostrils inhale Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds
the noseless scent elephant tusks a continent away
Espers predict the unfathomable past
non-Espers omen the apocalyptic Day of the Opossum
Theodor Kaluza sucks an lsd blotter onstage in a gold lame leisure suit
Oskar Klein sings with trigonometry we’re up and away in our beautiful balloon
panku polygon pandemonium
panku is a nine-word poem but not a nonagon
two tongues lick peanut butter ice-cream lick each other
my tongue through a jelly donut licks your strawberry
French: franÇais beiser dans Paris printemps haut Eiffel la Tour
English: French kissing in Paris springtime top of Eiffel tower
Japanese: datsui kimono musabori-kuu watashi-no sushi unagi to nomikomu
English: disrobe kimono devour my sushi eel and swallow
Alexa, can miracles exist?Last Bucket ItemToto, we’re not in Oz anymoreThunder Bay hydro-electric power plant
Robert Fleming (b. 1963) is a word-artist from Lewes, Delaware, United States. Robert follows his mother as a visual artist and his grandfather as a poet. Contributing editor of Old Scratch Press Short-Form Collective. Member of the Rehoboth Beach and Horror Writers Association. Wins: 2022 San Gabriel Valley California-1 poem, 2021 Best of Mad Swirl poetry, Delaware Press Association: 2 honorable mentions; Nominations: 2 Pushcart and 2 Best of the Net.
Math Zuppai
triangle progeny
right loves isosceles
obtuse triangle
tangent our love
cosine luv license
parallel lines
protractate draw 2
Robert Fleming lives in Lewes, DE. Published in United States, Canada, England, Ireland, and Australia. Member of the Rehoboth Beach and Horror Writer’s Association. Wins: 2022 San Gabriel Valley CA-1 poem, 2021 Best of Mad Swirl poetry; Nominations: 2 Pushcart Prizes and Best of the Net. Follow Robert:
wife 1 loves wife 2
wife 1 hates husband
1 man and many women
Y & >= 2X
assembly line sex
fraternal twin boys
many men and 1 woman
X & >= 2Y
many husbands love many wives
paternity tests
many women and many men
>= 2X & >= 2Y
Queen Formulaes
rock + opera = bohemian rhapsody
planet + thermostat ≠ Freddy Mercury
11 / 24 = day Freddy died
stadium clap standard deviation ≠ we will rock * u
Queen – Freddy = Adam Lampert
greater-than less-than equal-to are for mortals not math
must i compare me to a seed
sprouts to green thorn stalk
yet to bring forth corn.
back-bone to be spine >= 6’
…. .. .
must i compare me to an archer
aim-yellow strike-blue
st O P
you’ll grow up to be president
present arrived i’m no president
red light
< no head hair > much stomach fat
compare me to my-was my-to-be
continue > < =
intercom: kitchen–dinner–now
Robert Fleming lives in Lewes, DE. Published in United States, Canada, England, Ireland, and Australia. Member of the Rehoboth Beach and Horror Writer’s Association. 2022 winner of San Gabriel Valley CA broadside-1 poem, 2021 winner of Best of Mad Swirl poetry and double nominated for Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Follow Robert at
when calculus is enough
x = woman
y = man
Theorem 1
derivative man and woman equals
woman or
man or
woman join man or
woman join woman or
man join man or
many men join woman or
many women join man
-------- = x ∨ y ∨ xy | x2 | y2 | x2y | y2x ∨ x2y
Theorem 2
integrate from not love to love equals
you and i are a set
∫ {u i}
Theorem 3
integrate from love to not love equals
you are i are not the same elements or
you and i are not a set or
we are null
∫ u ∉ i {u i} {}
now fails me
y? O y?
y pushed out of mother’s birth canal?
lava lamp save me
lava not volcano spewd
lamp spews that save
iris light spectrum
ooze green river / river of lava / ooze on
my lava lust flows on
like green garden snakes slithering
4 lava heat
now / another now
lava ooze clean my blood
kidney green red blue filter my
lava oozes on
Light Zuppai
remaining temple oil
can just light light for one day
oil lights for eight days
green kryptonite
unzipped sleeping bag grass
flash light reader reads
a teepee needs lite
book pages under wood lite
a log cabin lights
where the city shines
upward bright white lights all night
the stars shine blackness
The day the rotation died
before days the earth maker dropped a globe into an axis
the 1st degree of west to east rotation rotated
on the 1st day light was created
the motor rotated earth 180o to dark
before disco balls only mirror balls rotated
after the 7th day the 1st 487 mirrors were glued on a 12” sphere
projected in Die Sinfonie der Großstadt from a Berlin nightclub
in 1927 mirror balls became disco balls
on day 4,541,000,000 a pale blue Antarctic ozone hole is born
the earth’s rotation speed increased by .001 mph
day light reduced 1 second a day
human body clocks stayed at a 24-hour schedule
disco balls lost mirror reflection from spot lights
demanded dark breaks & no more fucken Bee Gees
fucken night fever on endless repeat
the DJs never give the disco balls a dark break
on day 5,541,000,000 the earth’s rotation speed increased by 1 mph
day light reduced a minute and a half per day
the equator sea level rises 2 inches waving 2 the poles
human body clocks stayed to a 24-hour schedule
at half-time of a White Sox & Detroit Tigers double-header
disco died July 12, 1979 at Chicago's Comiskey Park
70,000 disco demolitionists burned 10,000 Donna Summer Bad Girls albums
disco died, but not disco balls
on the last day the earth rotates east to west
the disco ball rotates counterclockwise 6 to
the human body clock is a 22-hour schedule
Robert Fleming lives in Lewes, DE. Published in United States, Canada, and Australia. Member of the Rehoboth Beach, Eastern Shore, and Horror Writer’s Association. 2022 winner of San Gabriel Valley CA broadside-1 poem, 2021 winner of Best of Mad Swirl poetry and nominated for Pushcart Prize by Ethel Zine and FailBetter and double nominated for best of the net by Devil’s Party Press. Follow Robert at