from 100 Titles from Tom Beckett:
#84: Whose Skin Might This Be?

To be comfortable in your own skin is the beginning of strength.
Charles Handy
Alcohol acts as a sedative. Hormones
die down, dopamine starts to fire. I am
more relaxed, sorting out in my mind
the more meaningful aspects of my life
by writing down notes about them even
though I do not process language by an
analysis of its grammatical categories.
Our personalities, the environments
that nurture us, make us who we are.
Character has an inherently moral cast.
That an assassin has their own moral
code is something few people talk about.
To be comfortable in someone else’s
skin is the beginning of compassion.
#85: Scanning Barcodes

starts a new life of piety & righteousness
can put a child in serious danger of injury or unnecessary medical care
sometimes makes an individual decide to perpetrate a sexual crime on another person
makes some people say they feel exhausted & sad after doing it
makes other people turn to pornography to self soothe their anxiety or depression
is generally associated in the Western world with Right-wing populism
can cause your body to release a number of hormones
may cause inflammation of the pancreas
is a pejorative label used to discriminate against “new religious movements”
helps dogs to develop patience
causes your tyres to wear down more quickly
kills more than 480,000 people in the U.S. each year
will not lead to blindness
Note: The poem ‘Scanning Barcodes’ has appeared previously in Scud. Our thanks for permission to include it here.
Mark – both of these poems are very powerful – it’s terrific writing.
Thomas – I really love the images that accompany the poetry. Very nicely done!