Elizabeth Hughes’ Book Periscope

The Wrong Side of Loyalty by Marshall Ginevan
In The Wrong Side of Honor Eddie Donevant was in Vietnam going after the CIA that were bringing Opium into the U.S. to be made into heroin. In the Wrong Side of Loyalty, Eddie and his wife Elaine start out in Russia as visiting professors. Then people start getting murdered and he is brought back into active duty chasing terrorists in the Middle East. This is another fantastic novel filled with action that will keep the reader engaged from the very first page to the very last. I absolutely loved it and very highly recommend it.
The Place Where The Metaphor Hides by Chris N.
The Place Where The Metaphor Hides is a book of  poetry. It is much different than most others I have read. It is interesting and would appeal to older teens and adults. It is the tale of the journey of Jenny who has spent six years searching for her love. Her love has been stuck in a journey that has taken him through being chased and lost both physically and emotionally. It keeps the reader’s interest and would be a great gift for the older teen or young adult.
Little Meditations by Avinash Jalani
This is a book of poetry. The poems are written to give you a sense of peace and easy to read. My favorite ones are (although, they are all excellent) ‘Finding Blueprint’, ‘When Silent Eyes’, ‘Do You Know’, ‘Exploring With’, ‘Immortal Love’, ‘Abundance’, ‘Invisible Love,’ and ‘Broken Star’. If you love poetry, this is perfect for your personal home library. If you have never really read poetry, this would be a perfect book to start with. I very highly recommend it.