Essay from Abdukadirova Mahliyo

School-age child and his psychology

Abdukadirova Mahliyo
Faculty of Primary Education, Kimyo International University in Tashkent, Tashkent Uzbekistan

Abstract: In the article, we will get acquainted with the education, upbringing and psychology of school-aged children. Information is given about the circumstances of early childhood and the circumstances that develop in the child's age and psychology. Parents are also informed about how to react at this time and what they should pay more attention to.

Key words: Psychology, early childhood, preschool education, age crisis, cognitive process, intensive memory.

Since when did psychology develop at this level, not only for school-aged children, but for everyone in general, the attention given to it has rapidly increased, and today such questions have increased a lot. From the years of independence, the attention to people began to change, their value was appreciated, and hopes for the future grew. Not only adults, but also children, their education has reached an important level. One of the main goals is to increase attention to them from childhood, to teach them the first stages of education before they reach school age, and to pay special attention to the psychology of each child. The future is in the hands of these children, so it is the duty of adults to create enough opportunities for them today. Every child starts his education in his family, then when he reaches a certain age, he goes to preschool, then to primary school, and so on, of course, his psychology also develops.

Psychologists define preschool age as three to seven years. Because the periods of crisis that occur in every era begin precisely in childhood from the age of three. A child who has reached the age of three begins to experience the first age crisis. At the same time, seven years are also called such a period of crisis. Of course, the reason for this is the school-going age, which is the period of every child's life from the first age crisis to the second age crisis, and it is also a very important period for pedagogues and psychologists. After a three-year-old child begins preschool education, very different changes begin to be observed in him, that is, now he begins to help, think for himself, make decisions, and even behave like adults. It is a period of rapid growth and development of the child to understand what is happening around him. When starting preschool education, parents give him the main support, the skills and qualifications that he has, because the process of transitioning from playing games to preparing lessons begins. A child who grows up playing various role-playing games and imitating them no longer imitates them at the age of five. His psychology now begins to prioritize education.

According to psychologists, it is very good for a child to grow up playing various games, because by playing games, he creates an event or a fairy tale, he searches for names for the characters in it, and the game during the playing process, they organize a conversation with each other, of course, this significantly increases the process of communication in the child. A child who has reached the age of six now wants to increase his conversation with children of the same age. Three or four children become friends together, their interest in drawing and listening to fairy tales increases. Of course, a child who is interested in doing everything has whims and masculinity, but it is easier to get out of such a situation by trying to understand him and not just leave him alone. This is how we can answer the question of how the psychology of a preschool child changes. A child of that age has a very good memory, but a child cannot imagine something without seeing or touching it. That is, his imagination will be limited. Parents and children to develop it he should take him on more walks, take him to museums and similar places and patiently and attentively show and explain everything. He should talk with the child about what he saw, ask questions and answer all the questions of the child. Of course, with this, memory develops intensively, the child's attention increases. It is very important to strengthen and develop memory in school-aged children.

Rapid mental development at preschool age, that is, the child's excessive curiosity and asking many questions, is also found in his psychology. As a result, the child develops cognitive processes: memory, attention, thinking, speech, emotion, imagination and creative abilities. A parent who sees a child's mental development and is not indifferent pays him a lot of attention and helps him take the first steps for his future. When a child comes into the world, it is like a white sheet of paper, and when the feelings that we count as adults are formed in him, gradually his life develops mentally and spiritually. School-aged children start coloring this white paper due to their interest in various things, and parents play the biggest role here. That is, they help the child to paint this white paper with suitable colors. In order to know and understand all this, first of all, they should be able to understand the child's psychology and show the right way. Giving birth to a child does not mean that everything is fine, the most important thing is to be able to give him appropriate education. Because that child is considered a person in society, a person who has not received proper education is not considered important for any society.

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