Essay from Adhamova Laylo

Young Central Asian woman with a white lacy headscarf with flowers on her outfit and smiling Hello Kitty icons on her face.
Adhamova Laylo
People face many situations in their lives, sometimes succeeding and sometimes losing. 

A person is never born bad, he is brought up by those around him. Always think about what you are spending your time on, and spend your time on useful things. A person will fall many times in their lifetime, but as soon as they fall, get up and promise yourself that I can do it! 

Set a small goal for yourself first and work steadily toward it. Choose a job that makes you feel comfortable while working, one that you can trust that you will choose this job even if you are given two lives! even for years. 

Cross roads, glaciers, mountains and seas to find the true meaning of life! You will definitely do it. I believe!
Stop dwelling on the bad, unconscious situations that have entered your life! Unite and feel that there is still time to start over. Communicate more with people. Be kind to the people around you!
You don't have to prove anything to people. you love your life! From that moment on, life will laugh at you.

Don't let those around you suffer because of your failures! The whirlwind of life never stops. You are living today! Live today as if it were your last! If there's something you want to do, don't wait for tomorrow or Monday, do it today!

People may not make a good impression on you. But you have a good imagination for them!
One day he didn't realize that the wheel of life had come to take one person's life. In the last moments of his life, his family members agreed to go to him to ask what he wanted. He was asked what the meaning of human life is, and he said that he could not find this meaning in 78 years of life. One said this is your property and your life. Another replied that this was your kindness and eccentricity to the needy all your life.

People should never forget that they are people and realize that what is good for them is also good for others!
Don't waste your life and time on useless things! Don't forget that life is one of the greatest blessings ever given to you!
Think of what you have done for your parents so far. Are you a worthy child of them? or not. Let every path you see be a lesson for you!

Don't waste your life on useless people. Always surround yourself with people who love and respect you. Stay away from people who hurt you! Because they will hurt you.
Take advantage of life's sweetest moment - your youth! Choose a job that works for you!
You will surely be happy someday. The people who shut the door for you will one day watch you through the crack in the door!

you are beautiful
you are lucky
I could
Defeat is the best road to success!
A vivid feeling that life is beautiful!
you know what? Flowers do not bloom before their time!
The best is ahead for you
Don't even think about giving up!

As long as you live, use this opportunity. ...♡
You deserve everything!
i love you.......