Essay from Malika Oydinova

Young Central Asian woman with dark hair and a gray checkered coat over a black blouse, standing in front of a building.
Malika Oydinova
A Wide Way To The International Field Is A Deep Study Of Foreign Languages 

Annotation: Due to the growing significance of language proficiency in contemporary culture and its extensive use on global scale, this article emphasizes the value of learning foreign languages.
Key words: foreign language, disciplinary system, literature, globalized era, quality of education.

Education of the future generation in the spirit of love and allegiance to the Motherland, national pride, high morality and spirituality, pride in our old and rich heritage, and national and international values is one of the most pressing concerns of our day. 

Fundamental changes to the educational system on earth are a problem because they don't provide the right environment for undergraduates to learn foreign languages perfectly, be able to communicate in a foreign language in all situations, and improve their oral and written communication skills in a foreign language. 

UNESCO, UNICEF, and the Association of European Universities are concerned about helping students develop their ability to think in a foreign language, their right to free speech, and their capacity for intellectual engagement. There are groups involved, such the European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. The evolution of this topic in general trends is crucial for the development of modernity and foreign language proficiency in the next generation and helps to boost students' creative potential in relation to issues with contemporary education. 

The coordination of curricula became the cornerstone for enhancing the higher pedagogical disciplinary system. The need of the hour is for fundamental reform of the quality of education based on outside experiences in the context of Uzbekistan, taking into account national mentality and traditions. 

It is crucial to use interactive techniques when working with young people, be able to give them high-quality instruction in a foreign language, raise the bar for higher education, and generally improve it. Consequently, the creation of a future labor force in our nation's higher education system and In order to build the ability to learn original literature in the field and to engage in conversational communication in a foreign language, foreign language classes are held in the course of gathering the information required for the intention. 

Every autonomous citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan has his or her own, and he or she should be able to read the original copy of literature written in another language that is pertinent to his or her line of work, comprehend it, and use it in that line of work. In addition, as learning a foreign language is a must for living in the current globalized era, he should be able to openly discuss ideas on the subject with the interlocutor in that language. 

Every person living in the independent Republic of Uzbekistan should be able to read, comprehend, and apply works of literature written in a language other than his own that are relevant to his line of work. He should also be able to openly converse in a foreign language with the interlocutor about the specified topic. 

After all, in today's globalized world, learning foreign languages is required. Foreign language instruction is given great consideration in our nation, which just gained independence. Numerous foreign language teachers have been taught, the necessary conditions for workers to advance their education both domestically and abroad have been established, multimedia English, German, and French textbooks have been constructed, and electronic English learning tools have been developed. 

The creation of modern language classrooms at educational institutions is unequivocal evidence of this. The main goal is to create the conditions for the growth of international cooperation and communication, the achievements of world civilization, and the use of information resources by young people across the globe. This is done by educating the next generation in foreign languages and improving the training of specialists who can speak these languages willingly. 

As the eminent German scholar YV Von Goethe famously put it, "He who does not recognize foreign languages does not know his own." 

For this reason, learning foreign languages and willingly communicating ideas in them are thought to be among the most important responsibilities by both external language specialists and all prospective cadre studying in higher education institutions that do not specialize in languages. Our folks have a saying that goes, "He who notices the language knows." 

A person who speaks a foreign language will, in fact, have a wealth of options and advantages. Today, great language skills are one of the most important qualifications for employees. Priority areas for research on teaching foreign languages to students at institutes of higher learning without a language concentration include the following: The teaching of foreign languages to pupils in accordance with the European CEFR standards enhances the pedagogical mechanisms of education, including instructional technology, the objectivity of control, and the organization of independent education outside the audience. 

Higher education has a specific aim for teaching foreign languages, and all foreign language instructors should specify it beforehand. For after all, "the goals of foreign language teaching determine the content, means, methods, and principles of teaching," as scientists O. Khoshimov and I. Yakubov wrote in the book "Methodology of English Language Teaching." education at the higher level that does not focus on languages. 

The importance of teaching a foreign language in foreign institutions cannot be overstated because doing so will help students become more mature individuals in all spheres.

Malika Oydinova student of Uzbekistan State World Languages University of English faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature