Essay from Marjona Jurakulova

Marjona Jurakulova 
Did you know? Uzbekistan is the science capital of the world!

Science is the primary driving force behind any country's development. It is not an exaggeration to say that evaluating a state's development through the development of science is very appropriate. The advancement of science is an important step toward Uzbekistan's prosperity and stability. It is not for nothing that the state is responsible for society's scientific and technological development. 

Respect for science has been a tradition in Uzbek society throughout history. As our great grandfather, Imam Bukhari, once said, "There is no salvation in the world except knowledge, and without knowledge there will be no salvation." The relevance of this phrase has increased, not decreased, over time. This golden saying seems to have been spoken for today and for all time. 

Today's rapid development has helped meet humanity's basic needs. Science is as essential as water and air. No one can deny that diving to the depths of the oceans and conquering the universe is a product of science today. The human mind grows with knowledge. A knowledgeable person assesses events objectively and learns to reject ignorance and stubbornness. Inadvertent ignorance is not a sin; however, refusing to learn is. 

According to Ibn Mas'ud, knowing what one does not know is also knowledge. Because when a person realizes what he does not know, he seeks to learn. 

Our forefathers made an important contribution to history by immortalizing the Middle Ages as an Eastern Renaissance in gold letters on the pages of history. They are moving in many directions. 

There have been no equals to Imam Bukhari in terms of preserving historical Islamic teachings, to Burhanuddin Marginani in jurisprudence, to Abu Mansur Moturidi in theology, and to Imam Zamakhshari in Islamic linguistics. Nor to Alisher Navoi in Uzbek literature and philosophy, Ibn Sina in medicine, or to Abu Rayhan Beruni and Mirza Ulugbek in physics, mathematics, history, and astronomy. The list could go on and on.

Knowledge has always triumphed over ignorance, just as good has triumphed over evil, and justice has triumphed over injustice. 

Willful ignorance is condemned in Islam. Ignorance destroys our lives and our relationships. Enlightenment cleans the heart, enhances our spirituality, and brings glory.

Because of these teachings, our great grandfathers made incomparable contributions to the advancement of world science. The rich spiritual legacy they left behind is still read and researched  in the world's most prestigious higher educational institutions. For example, in the field of medicine, Abu Ali Ibn Sina's "Medical Laws" is being studied with great interest in European countries, whereas Burkhaniddin Marginani's "Hidaya" has gained great fame in the Islamic world as an important source of Islamic jurisprudence.

The names of great scholars such as Beruni, Khorezmi, Ibn Sina, and Ulugbek are well known throughout the world for their invaluable contributions to the advancement of science. The Islamic world continues to be fascinated by the works of scholars such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Termini, Abu Lais Samarkand, Burhoniddin Marginani, and Imam Moturidi. They elevated Islamic teachings to the level of science, according to contemporary Muslim scholars.

Every year, a significant portion of the Republic of Uzbekistan's state budget is spent on social expenses such as education and science. More than 239 billion dollars were allocated from the country's budget in 2021 solely for the support of innovative development and innovative ideas, as well as for the design, construction (reconstruction), and equipment of facilities.

This will be more than 671 billion dollars, or 0.39% of state budget expenses, in 2022. 28 scientific organizations and four innovative technological parks have been established in the last four years. Scientists' salaries have tripled. A lot of money was spent on updating industry organizations' material and technical bases. The Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, which includes 28 scientific research institutions and four state museums, has increased its activity as an important participant in the state scientific research policy.

The establishment of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 was a significant step toward organizing the development and implementation of innovative ideas and technologies. In particular, 342 scientific developments were commercialized with direct Ministry support from 2018 to 2021. As a result, products worth 151.2 billion dollars were produced, and products worth 128.7 billion dollars were sold.

In general, the legal precedent for improving the system of state support for science and innovation has been established in recent years. In particular, in the period 2018-2021, two laws, five decrees, 26 decisions of the President, 35 decisions, and seven orders of the Cabinet of Ministers were adopted in the field of scientific and innovative activities. This has a direct impact on the resolution of current social problems. The Concept of Development of Science Until 2030, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-6097 of October 29, 2020, identified 19 problems on the path to scientific development.

Among these are the fact that large sectors of the economy pay little attention to science, the average age of teams conducting scientific research is quite old and the researchers are nearing retirement, and there is insufficient allocation of financial resources to science and scientific activities. Solving these issues is critical and necessitates comprehensive and thought-out solutions.

Knowledge can help us overcome disasters. Haji Bektash Vali once said, "The path taken in ignorance will not end well." Those who want to win, succeed, and rise must rely on knowledge. "Let the world learn science," said the Prophet. May God bless him and grant him peace. 

"Whoever wants the hereafter, let him learn knowledge," said the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who explained the importance of knowledge.

Science education is not limited to the classroom. A person receives a key from school. With the key, the person unlocks the treasures of knowledge. Whatever he or she does, he or she does it enthusiastically.

Throwing away your notebook in a corner as soon as you graduate from high school is a big mistake. Learning, on the other hand, has no age, time, or place. Knowledge is the most valuable investment, and you can increase your investment at every age, every location, and every time. Learn more about yourself. You may encounter difficulties. You will face some challenges, but remember that nothing worthwhile comes easily.

A true intellectual does not base his or her decisions on hearsay. First, he or she carefully studies, thinks about, and acts on the truth.

A true intellectual understands that learning is a means to an end, not an end in itself. He or she applies his knowledge to the benefit of humanity. The goal of studying is to help others. Science is only valuable and useful if it benefits humanity. No matter how useful knowledge is, it is useless if it is not put into practice.

Science improves people and makes them more admirable. The goal of science is self-awareness. It is useful in the sense that it helps us to understand ourselves.

Marjona Jurakulova 
Chairman of the Council of Young Advisors under 
the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 
student of the Pedagogical Institute of Shahrisabz State University