Essay from Saparbaeva Aziza (stays June 1)

Woman in a long coat with a pattern of many colors and black dress shoes in front of a tree out by a building.

Sulayman Bakirgani 
Sulayman Bakirgani (Hakim ata) – (? Bakirgan village, Khazorasp district, Khorezm region – 1186) – a great representative of Sufism, a poet.

Follower of Ahmed Yassavi sect. Information about his life is mixed with different narratives. Popularly known as “Hakim Ota”. He was a murid (disciple) of Yassavi, and gained the attention of his elder with his talent and poetic talent. Boqirgani deepened the rules of his teacher’s sect and brought it to the masses. He created in a simple, fluent style.

In 1991, I finished reading the 1st book of the book “Hakim Ota Kitobi” published by Nasaf publishing house.

The book consists of 11 chapters, i.e. narratives, in which there are several narrations of the sheikh from his childhood to his death.

In particular, I found out what kind of students Ahmed Yassavi became, why they were called Bakyrgani, and how they got the name Hakim Ota.

Each story is very instructive and conclusive.

The main content of the book is the idea of the foundation of the Yassawiya sect: “A sect without Sharia, enlightenment without sect, no truth without enlightenment.”

The blessings shown to the sheikhs in some places showed that they had reached maturity.

Along with Baqirghani, there is also information about his sons Mahmud, Askar, Hubbi sheikhs and valamats such as Jalaluddin, Zangi father, Said father.

Also, the places related to Anbar, the wife of Sulayman Bakirghani, can be an example for our women today.

White image of an old man with his hair in a turban holding a book on a purple background. Image of a domed brick mosque on the lower right.

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