Essay from Uljaboeva Hilolaposhsho

                  My mother tongue

       The great importance of the mother tongue

Abstract: In this article, scientific proposals and recommendations based on scientific basis and formulated by the author on this issue are expressed

Key words: mother tongue, Uzbek language, education, state language


    All created living beings in the world have their own mother tongue from the womb. The mother tongue is ingrained in the human mind from the time it was in the mother’s womb. When a mother talks to a child for the first time, he learns his mother tongue through the fairy tales told to him by his grandmother. He learns his mother tongue. He knows the world through his mother tongue.

    Language is a legacy from our ancestors. Language is our identity, our today, our tomorrow, our national pride. There are countries in the world that still do not have their mother tongue as a state language. They have to learn other languages ​​in order to work and live. We also once had our own language, but there were times when we could not do business in our native language. Thankfully, our country has developed further, and on October 21, 1989, our native language was given the status of a state language. Our Uzbek language is also taught in the educational institutions of some countries. Let’s respect our mother tongue. All countries in the world strive to preserve their native languages.

In conclusion, we should say that the language is the heritage of the state, the main distinguishing feature of nations is language. The prestige and prestige of the country that respects its language will increase. This is in the hands of the people. We, the Uzbek people, should know our own language and honor it based on our Uzbekism. Since the Uzbek language has received the status of a sovereign language along with all official languages ​​in the world, every citizen of Uzbekistan must know the state language.

Uljaboeva Hilolaposhsho was born on April 24, 2001 in Baghdad district of Fergana region. She is currently a part-time student of Kokan State Pedagogical Institute.