Giggle, Laugh, Smile: Gig & Wendy’s BubbleArt

BubbleArt is a collaborative art form, combining drawing and digital illustration. BubbleArt was created by Gig & Wendy in 2006, as an art of enthusiasm. Gig graduated with a B.A. degree in Psychology from Boston University and Wendy graduated with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Arizona. The two met while working in the high tech sector of the Silicon Valley job market and discovered a shared interest in the intersection of art and technology.

The interplay of figurative ideas, centered around the concept of “effervescence from within”, allow them to bring together the medium of pencil and paper drawing with digital illumination to express a shared vision of what they’ve dubbed “Bubblism”. As originators of Bubblism, their focus is on creating images that elevate feeling and emotion. A style of circles and arcs is used, with images of objects of the real world, to bring forward a sense of the bubbly and enthusiastic. Brightly colored compositions bring alive a sense of rich decor to capture the essence of excitement. This playful approach is both accessible and discovery-prone.

To check out more BubbleArt, go to:

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This work represents a digital reinterpretation of drawings, a procedural transformation of one type of art into another to represent something unique. Also, as Gig & Wendy point out, happiness and excitement are re-interpreted as visual imagery here, through the duo’s signature style of lines, circles, and brightly colored objects.

 You can see Gig & Wendy’s BubbleArt at the ArtistX-Change Gallery in the Mission District in San Francisco.