Poetry from Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa

Light skinned Filipina woman with reddish hair, a green and yellow necklace, and a floral pink and yellow and green blouse.
Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa

Why is it not so easy to deceive one's heart
Outwardly smiling, disguising the hurt
Seeking out comfort by substitution 
Forcing outfield one's concentration 
Yet, again and again, comes painful tease
Refusing emotions to acceptance peace
Rusting spears thrust in center chest
Heart wound not healed, silently infest
Pain increases when there's no one to blame
Missing my beloveds, suffer the hell's flame.
Tears cross down my face like torrent rain
Knife in throat, waiting for sadness to drain.

The Gods Never Dare

How does one stop a wind on its way
How does one tell a bee just to play
How does one stop a digging root from its way
Tell me how, to you I pray
How can one touch a flaming fire
And hands not suffer any burn
How can one stop a goddess's desire
When the tides flow decide to turn
The flower blooms towards the sun
Wishing to be covered by its love
Yet the river continues to run
And the feathers refuses to be hidden in the wings of a dove
The moon shall shine with gloom
But doubt in its light has no room
Though joy has pulled its strand from the loom
The alternative weaves a tragic doom
So the flute vibrates with soulful song
The wind blown shall never pass again
The heart sways yet mind will not dance along
Pain is inevitable when eyes turns to rain
Listen as the notes float in the air
The flute for its sounds really care
Yet the gods the treasure will not share
What powers does a mere mortal have to dare

Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa was born January 14, 1965, in Manila Philippines. She has worked as a retired Language Instructor, interpreter, caregiver, secretary, product promotion employee, and private therapeutic masseur. Her works have been published as poems and short story anthologies in several language translations for e-magazines, monthly magazines, and books; poems for cause anthologies in a Zimbabwean newspaper; a feature article in a Philippine newspaper; and had her works posted on different poetry web and blog sites. She has been writing poems since childhood but started on Facebook only in 2014. For her, Poetry is life and life is poetry. 

Lilian Kunimasa considers herself a student/teacher with the duty to learn, inspire, guide, and motivate others to contribute to changing what is seen as normal into a better world than when she steps into it. She has always considered life as an endless journey, searching for new goals, and challenges and how she can in small ways make a difference in every path she takes. She sees humanity as one family where each one must support the other and considers poets as a voice for Truth in pursuit of Equality and proper Stewardship of nature despite the hindrances of distorted information and traditions.

Poetry from Graciela Noemi Villaverde

Light-skinned Latina woman with reddish blonde straight shoulder-length hair. She's got brown eyes and red lipstick and a small necklace, rings and bracelets and a black blouse. She's seated at a table in a restaurant.
Argentine Homeland 

In the Argentine homeland, a symbol flames, 
created by Belgrano with fervor and work. 
Flag waving, in heaven and earth, 
witness of struggles, history that it contains. 

In light blue and white stripes it is shown, 
emblem of a people, its essence exposed. 
Belgrano, visionary, with courage and passion, 
He drew the revolution in the wind. 

Argentina, it is reflected in your flag, 
the strength of a people that never goes away. 
Belgrano, master of dreams and desires, 
with the creation of him, he marked the flashes. 

GRACIELA NOEMI VILLAVERDE is a writer and poet from Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Rios) Argentina, based in Buenos Aires She graduated in letters and is the author of seven books of poetry, awarded several times worldwide. She works as the World Manager of Educational and Social Projects of the Hispanic World Union of Writers and is the UHE World Honorary President of the same institution Activa de la Sade, Argentine Society of Writers. She is the Commissioner of Honor in the executive cabinet IN THE EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL RELATIONS DIVISION, of the UNACCC SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA CHAPTER.

Poetry from Lidia Popa

Middle aged light skinned woman with red curly hair and reading glasses with a long shell necklace and a black top.
Hypothetical Existences 

In the swamp of the senses 
hear the rustle of the shadows, 
and the thrill becomes strong 
when the breeze sighs on clothes modeled by poets.
Linen or silk shirts 
in the abundant imagination 
covers nudity with metaphors 
conceptual in the elegiac sanctuary, 
with the visible elegance of the speakers. 

Listening makes your breath tremble 
when by emphatic statement emanates art to seduce 
the audience to seconded applauding 
the pleiades of the numerous virgins. 

Oh, how many hypothetical existences 
and no future in this oven 
of abstract and conceptual works, 
when the spotlights go out 
instead of the delirium in the script. 

The silence falls on hypothetical existences!


Lidia Popa was born in Romania in the locality of Piatra Șoimului, in the county of Neamț, on 16th April, 1964. She finished her studies in Piatra Neamț, Romania with a high school diploma and other administrative courses, where she worked until she decided to emigrate to Italy. 

She has been living for 23 years and worked in Rome as part of the wave of intellectual emigrants since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
She wrote your first poem at her age of 7. She is a poet, essayist, storyteller, recognized in Italy and in other countries for her literary activities. She collaborates with cultural associations, literary cenacles, literary magazines and paper and online publications of Romanian, Italian and international literature. She writes in Romanian, Italian and also in other languages as an exercise in knowledge. 


She has published her poems in six books:
in Italy:
1. " Point different ( to be ) " - ed. Italian and
2." In the den of my thoughts ( Dacia ) " - ed. bilingual Romanian/ Italian AlettiEditore 2016,
3.“ Sky amphora " - ed. bilingual Romanian/ Italian EdizioniDivinafollia 2017,
in Romania:
4. " The soul of words" ed. bilingual Romanian/ Albanian Amanda Edit Verlag 2021,
5." Syntagms with longing for clover " ed. Romanian, EdituraMinela 2021.
6." The Voice interior " LidiaPopa and BakiYmeri ed. bilingual Romanian/Italian, Amanda Edit Verlag 2022.

Her poems featured in more than 50 literary anthologies and literary magazines on line from 2014 to 2023 in Italy, Romania, Spain, Canada, Serbia, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, Liban,USA,etc.
Her poems are translated into Italian, French, English, Spanish, Arabic, German, Bangladesh, Portuguese, Serbian, Urdu, Dari, Tamil, etc.
Her writings are published regularly with some magazines in Romania, Italy and abroad.
She is a promoter of Romanian, Italian and international literature, and is part of the juries of the competitions.
She translates from classical or contemporary authors who strike for the refinement and quality of their verses in the languages: Italian, Romanian, English, Spanish, French, German, stating that "it is just a writing exercise to learn and evolve as a person with love for humanity, for art, poetry and literature ".

*Member of the Italian Federation of Writers (FUIS)
*Honorary member of the International Literary Society Casa PoeticaMagia y Plumas Republic of Colombia,
*Member of Hispanomundial Union of Writers (Union Hispanomundial de Escritores) (UHE) and Thousands Minds For Mexico (MMMEX)
*President UHE and MMMEX Romania, August 21, 2021
*She had come power of attorney Vice-president UHE Romania, Mars18, 2021- August 21, 2021
*President UHE and MMMEX Romania, August 21, 2021
*Counselor from Italy for Suryodaya Literary Foundation Odisha India,
*Director from Italy for Alìanza Cultural Universal (ACU) Argentina
*Member Motivational Strips Oman,a member of numerous other literary groups at the level internationally,
*Director of Poetry and Literature World Vision Board of Directors (PLWV) Bangladesh
International Peace Ambassador of The Daily Global Nation International Independent Newspaper from Dhaka Bangladesh - 2023
*Founder literary group Lido dell'anima with LIDO DELL'ANIMA AWARDS
*Founder LIDO DELL'ANIMA Italian magazine
*Founder SILVAE VERBORUM INTERNATIONAL multilingual magazine
*Founder literary currently #homelesspoetry

Poetry from Sobirjonova Rayhona

Central Asian woman in a black jumpsuit and tie with a white blouse holding an open book in front of a table with a whole set of books on display. Behind her is a childlike drawing of a girl reading a book on a sunny day on a grassy field with flowers.

My Beloved Teacher
(To my Teacher HILOLA)

A gift from Allah, bestowed upon me
My kind, caring, second mother, you see
My angel, my equal, my one and only
May my children be like you, so holy

Your lessons, a whole world’s passion ignite
You spread the light of knowledge, shining bright
Pen and paper, never from your hand they stray
You opened the minds of your students, come what may

When you speak of Hilola, the teacher so grand
Students hearts fill with joy, hand in hand
All gather before your door, a happy band
Waiting with anticipation, for you to command

You dedicate your love, to books and to lore
Immediately, you begin to impart, evermore
Anything we ask, you teach with such grace
Leading us to lofty heights, to a promising place

You work tirelessly, for your students’ sake
Benefiting humanity, day and night, awake
Sometimes, you lose track of time’s fleeting flight
Yet, you spread knowledge, with all your might

A star in the world, a sun in the sky
Your worth we cannot measure, how can we try?
Forgive us, foolish ones, for our blind sight
But you have endured, with all your might

We bow our heads, before your love so true
Tears, though few, come forth, a heartfelt view
The foundation of your wisdom, we have built
No stone can now be placed, our minds have been filled

We longed for brighter days, with hearts so true
Those days have come, dear teacher, thanks to you
For us, you’ve suffered, with unwavering grace
Our fortunes smile, because of you, in this space

You’re a generous soul, selfless and kind
My mother, my father, my dear one, you’re enshrined
Your name, a legend, on everyone’s tongue
My heaven, my angel, for your presence, I’m sung

Sobirjonova Rayhona was born in Bukhara. Currently, she is a 9th grade student.

Poetry from Usmonova Ogiloy


In the quiet hush of night,
Where moonbeams cast a silver light,
My dreams awaken, softly bloom,
In the corners of my room.

They drift on whispers, gentle breeze,
Through endless skies, across the seas,
In colors vivid, bright and bold,
In stories yet to be told.

A castle perched on clouds so high,
A meadow where the fairies fly,
A world where wishes all come true,
And every day begins anew.

In dreams, I dance on stardust trails,
I ride the wings of mystic whales,
I chase the dawn, embrace the night,
In realms of pure, unfiltered light.

No limits bind, no fears confine,
In this sacred, endless shrine,
Where hope and wonder intertwine,
In the garden of my mind.

Though waking hours may be gray,
In dreams, the world is far away,
A place where all my heart’s desires,
Ignite like everlasting fires.

So I close my eyes with sweet embrace,
And journey to that secret place,
Where dreams are real and life’s a gleam,
In the boundless realm of my dreams.

Usmonova O’giloy Gulomjon qizi  was born on October 7, 2009. She is currently a 10th-grade student at the Is’hoqxon Ibrat Creative School. She is fluent in Uzbek, English, Russian, and Korean.

Essay from Axmatova Shakzoda

Central Asian woman in a white blouse with tan pants and dark black hair standing in front of a huge rock surrounded by grass and yellow flowers and conifer trees and a giant eagle.

Student Life: A Golden Time

Student life, my golden age,
A time of brilliance, turning the page.
You are the springtime of life’s embrace,
You are the summer, a joyous space.

It is no coincidence that student life is compared to the golden era of a person’s existence. During their meaningful lives, everyone is fortunate to be a student, once a pupil, once a college student. Student life is an irreplaceable and unforgettable spring in the life of a person. Behind every difficulty, there is a reward. Behind every darkness, there is a light.  The many hardships you faced from your school days to becoming a student are rewarded with the most beautiful balm for your soul, bestowed by Allah – the gift of student life. This blessing is not given to everyone…

Student years bring a wealth of joy.  This stems from the realization of long-awaited feelings of youth, the start of a promising future, the ability to build one’s own path brick by brick, and to shape a new life as they desire.  Most students get to study at their chosen university, in their chosen field. However, many are unable to score high enough or luck isn’t on their side, and they find themselves studying in a field they didn’t desire. This can be a source of disappointment. But a person should always be grateful.  Even if they study in a different field due to insufficient scores or unforeseen circumstances, they must remember that they are students by Allah’s grace and mercy.  Without His will, they wouldn’t be fortunate enough to be students. Look back, how many people couldn’t achieve this, and you too could have been among them.

Student life is a time for new acquaintances. In college or university, you meet a multitude of interesting and knowledgeable individuals. Some find lifelong friends, some discover love, and others find their place in the world. Many students work to support their studies and cover their tuition fees. Their time is limited, but they strive to balance their work and education. It’s a demanding rhythm, but they must build their future.  During their studies, many students encounter injustices.

For students newly arrived in the capital, their first phase may not be about the educational institution, but rather about exploring the city’s landmarks.

Have you ever considered it? When we think of a student, we often visualize someone surviving on daily bread and instant noodles.

In conclusion, like everyone else, students face challenges.  I don’t know about all students, but from those I’ve seen and observed, most eat bland, quick-to-prepare, calorie-deficient meals. Fruits and vegetables are only consumed when money arrives from home or when the mail comes. It’s true that studying in the city of Tashkent can be expensive for many families. But students today don’t go hungry or lack clothes. Instead, they’re learning to manage their money wisely.  Learning about economics is quite useful in the bigger picture of life.  When a person experiences hardship, they learn to appreciate other things.

Axmatova Shaxzoda Jaloliddin qizi was born on October 17, 2005, in the Syrdarya region. Currently, she is a first-year student of the Department of Textual Studies and Literary Source Studies, specializing in Persian and English, at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.

Essay from Gozalkhan Samandarova

War, your name may disappear in the world!

Clip art of a white dove moving a red "A" from the word "war" to the word "peace." Words are black and the background is blue.

( © https://pin.it/20Q2J6q4Y)

War… My language is speechless. There is also an endless restraint in the movement of the pen on the paper. War… There are no words for definition and classification, for explanation. Why!!! A word so hard to understand?

No… A word that wants to be understood even if it is understood, a word that is wished not to be, this word should not be used in any time and space. A word that made millions of people’s hearts bleed, took joy from their faces, and made them never smile again. It is a word created from the cries of innocent babies, the cries of angry mothers to God, and the “lovelessness” of lovers.

A word made from the silence of those whose bitten bread remained on the wall, who came out on their feet – who came in a cart, whose arms were hugged in their lap – who came wounded, who came from a chain of letters written “I’m going to next spring” and who live their whole lives waiting for spring. this. As Vladimir Mayakovsky noted, “War is tears and blood for people, it is widows and homeless, it is a repaired hut, killed youth and humiliated old age.”

This is what war is!!! Why is the language speechless?!

Of course, war spares no one. It is and has been a series of dark days that do not live, like rain that falls on the heads of the young and the old, the rich and the poor alike.

Praise the endurance of the people who lived in this war there is no way. The children were also brought up so mature that they did not have time to be children, Romain Rolland’s “To lose youth in war is to snatch the spring from the seasons.” like, there was no “spring” for children during the war. Everyone who lived during the war was the owner of “strength”. Because, during the years when the sky was under “dark clouds” and all the men were mobilized to the front, the country lacked manpower and the field work was lagging. But this thing did not bend the Uzbek people. Our women rolled up their sleeves and drove tractors, went to the fields, and raised their families.

Sometimes I think, why does a person rebel, what benefit did we get, to this day, he does not refrain from rebellion, war – from doing this again. What has war given us that makes us prone to rebellion?

Killing millions of people, orphaning babies, teasing, fondling, and animalistic acts of human children, right? Have you ever thought about those who try to bring to life things that you can’t even think about?

We understand one thing should be noted that it will not be good if there is a war now. Let’s fear war now. Let’s understand that if we don’t preserve our peace, we will fail and disappear. Because now we live in a time when children are born knowing who they will be, what they will do, and how they will do it. Now we live in a time where millions are ready for one stone. We see that technique, technology now serves not for “man”, but for “inhumanity”.

Public beach in weapons are a clear example of this. Weapons of mass destruction have a powerful positive effect on the war system, reinforcing its proliferation and ongoing wars have the potential to destroy our planet. Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are distinguished by their ability to kill and disable people, destroying entire cities and even entire regions with supernatural destruction.

So-called “nuclear” wars kill millions, cause nuclear winter, and cause world-wide food shortages and starvation for millions. The entire nuclear strategy system is based on a false foundation, as computer models suggest that a very small number of detonated warfighters could shut down the entire earth’s agriculture, meaning that the human species would be given a death sentence.

Chemical and biological weapons. Biological weapons include harmful natural toxins such as Ebola, typhus, smallpox, and others. Their use could cause an uncontrolled global epidemic. Therefore, it is important to adhere to existing agreements that form part of the alternative security system. The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction was opened for signature in 1972 and entered into force in 1975 with the support of the United Nations. entered 170 prohibits signatories from owning or developing or stockpiling these weapons. [2]

Let’s remember that the terrible consequences of America’s bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even after 75 years since the end of the war, continue to have negative consequences. This is an example of the greatest tragedy of war. [3]

If there is a war now, neither hundreds of Zebo Ganiyevas nor Sabir Rahimovs who are picked in a row can save us. This is the bitter truth…

Dear ones, “It will not be good if there is a war now.” As the great philosopher Aristotle said, “If we do not end war, war will end us.” The day has come when he will remember his words. What I mean by this is that every day we are given in peace is actually a blessing. We did not sacrifice anything for this peace and nothing will be sacrificed anymore. If only we could understand that, dear ones!!!





About the author

Central Asian woman in a black coat and white blouse standing in front of a wall with a picture of a globe on it.

Gozalkhan Samandarova was born on November 11, 2003 in Khanka district of Khorezm region. Currently, she is a student of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Namangan State Institute of Pedagogy. 

Creative works of Gozalkhan Samandarova were published in “Smile” magazine, “Distant Stars” anthology, “Un monde d’erudits et de creators brilliants” almanac of France. 

🔰 Winner of the “Best Creative Student of the Year” nomination at the institute stage of the “Student of the Year – 2023” contest;

🔰 Winner of the essay contest “We will stop corruption together” held at the Namangan State Pedagogical Institute; 

🔰Member of “Mushoira club” of Namangan region.

WhatsApp number +998998094546

Khorezm, Uzbekistan