-I don’t know if Poet laughs or cries
What I do know is that he was wearing on his head
A redneck beret
And it has turned into a pumpkin.
Miracle ยก
I would like to come see you, Poet.
-No, don’t come to see me, Poet answers.
I piss myself laughing
Because it has rained, my Paloma
Because it has rained
And my pumpkin is grown.
Four rednecks passed
With their wives
By the open driveway
And they all turned their heads saying:
–What a pumpkin the Poet has!
A shepherd passed
One of those of bag with bread
Thinking seeing the pumpkin
That was his lady
And when he got home, he said to his wife:
Get undressed, my love.
Show me your rear
That have to mend.
–You are not going to mend it
Woman answered.
Mend the bag for bread!
-I fell from my ass
Shepherd answered.
-Daniel de Culla