Poetry from Charos Makhamova

Young Central Asian girl with dark black hair and brown eyes and a black tee shirt.
Charos Makhamova
Thinking of me, are awake at every step,
When i see you, i feel myself over the moon.
Donʼt refuse, let me lay my head on you lap,
You are always my remedy to my pain.

You sang a lullaby to me over the night,
You calm me down by saying "my daughter".
Let me kiss your beady eyes only a once
Let me lay my on your lap, dear mother.

Such a pity, i donʼt always have time help you
But you always keep me in your heart and mind.
Many years passed since i missed you so much,
Let me lay my on your lap, dear mother.

Your sunshine with an immense kindness
Even the ice melts from your love.
Stroke my head, again kiss my forehead
Let me lay my on your lap, dear mother.

Such a cruel and evil fate cannot test me,
Your prays are a shield and protector.
I forget the whole world, when you tell a story
Let me lay my on your lap, dear mother.

Makhkamova Charos Davron’s daughter. Was born on December 23, 2005 in Orta Chirchik district, Tashkent region. Currently, she is an 11th grade student at the 44th General Secondary School. Articles anda  poems were published in newspapers of India, Thailand, the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and in anthologies sold in 26 countries. The winner of the district stage of the 2022 “Smart Reader” competition.