Poetry from Fay L. Loomis

Writing Poems While Asleep

she dreams of fragrant sausage
spitting in the frying pan
she cannot eat it

another night she dreams
she is standing on her head
performing ablutions
in the nether regions

now she dreams of her kidnapped
therapist, ransom demanded
when not paid, he is returned
secrets are not

Sanctum Sanctorum

pull comforter over head
snuggle into dark hidey-hole

fade into the warmth 
of rhythmic breath

spin quiet 
into dreams

Cat’s Nip

white mantle
shrouds clear chalice

new elixir
for gut pain

cat bounds to counter
tips over brew

body tenses
pink tongue licks

sodden feet whisk 
through cat door

she’d rather die 
then take the waters

Fay L. Loomis, member of the Stone Ridge Library Writers and Rats Ass Review Workshop, lives a quiet life in upstate New York. Her poetry and prose appear in Best of Mad Swirl 2022, Herbs & Spices Anthology (Highland Park Poetry), As It Ought To Be Magazine, Down in the Dirt, Five Fleas, W-Poesis, Spillwords, and elsewhere.