a passion for life she has this listless look in her eyes i once saw fire, emotion, a passion for life that burned like arson the circle is closing death is inevitable only the lucky ever die happy the rest of us can only hope to find something that isn't too painful ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure fucking misery here comes the rain again a hot august thunderstorm creeping along pure fucking misery one of these days i'll be lucky enough to fall asleep in bed and never wake up again of course, that kind of wishful thinking hasn't got me anywhere i ever wanted to be --------------------------------------------------------------------------- hole in the world town i never understood why anyone would want to live around a ton of people whenever i travel south for one of my mother's medical appointments i see all the traffic all these overpriced houses the schools aren't any better and neither are the drugs i'll take my little hole in the world town and just be fine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- this is my life now sitting in the car watching it rain insert random healthcare facility and any day of the week and this pretty much is my life now and i don't want to come off like i hate taking care of my aging mother or that my life would be oh so much better if i was the rich one instead of my sister the way the choices and consequences came down were how it was meant to be i accept that but i'd be stupid if i wasn't planning or at the very least, dreaming of what my life will be once death enters the picture ----------------------------------------------------------------------- like some math equation not sure how many times i'm going to know i'm ready to die for it to actually fucking happen even my patience for that is running out i wish this was like some math equation which would mean life would be the answer to this shit sadly, i know that isn't the case if only...
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is currently trapped in suburbia, plotting his escape. He’s been widely published over the years, most recently at The Beatnik Cowboy, Terror House Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash, Misfit Magazine and Mad Swirl. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)
I’m glad we’re both still writing poetry. Hang in there!
Stephen Jarrell Williams
thank you my friend.