a sense of calm it's bad art on muted walls carpet meant to lull you into a sense of calm as long as you don't mind being fucking crazy the chairs might as well be a bed of nails and not the kind of nails you would like leaving marks on your back ---------------------------------------------------------------- much better off i gave up smoking nearly fifteen years ago my doctor says i should be happy that my lungs are much better off i laugh and say the weight gain and the bitter asshole deep within killed happiness years ago i'm sure one day he’s going to tell me to take some pill he knows currently i'd sell them ---------------------------------------------------------------------- searching for a vein i'm losing my interest in life all the beautiful women have already said no hell, even the ugly ones aren't interested anymore pretty soon, i'll be alone and searching for a vein but i know my luck the first one won't kill me my soul likes the taste of agony --------------------------------------------------------------------- enjoy it while they can the winter doom and gloom piled a few feet high in every parking lot we haven't seen it like this in years the kids seem to love it at least the ones that are too young to have to shovel the driveways and sidewalks i give them the look that means to enjoy it while they can enough years in this place and you'll understand why i have a bad back ----------------------------------------------------------------- that first kiss snow showers in the morning turn the ac back on by the weekend getting lost in the memories of the first love that first kiss the first time fooling around under the bleachers life was a problem for everyone else back then and now you realize you haven't seen each other in over a decade time doesn't heal it eliminates breaks every soul one second at a time
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) was raised by wolves but graduated high school with honors. He’s been widely published over the years, most recently at Yellow Mama, Terror House Magazine, The Beatnik Cowboy, Horror Sleaze Trash and Cajun Mutt Press. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)
Strong, wintry work.
my soul likes
the taste of
especially resonates with me.
I’m right in there with you… Getting old has some definite drawbacks!
Liked your poems.
thanks Stephen