Poetry from John Edward Culp


      I remember some theatrical 
films of newspaper leadership
 calling out,
   "Stop the presses!"
  Well, because a great new
          headline was surfacing. 

        I think the awestruck tribe 
     of Earth Humanity is having 
   such a moment. 

      I guess my interest is,
What is that New Headline 
     that the Presses are being
         Stopped for?  
    What's the Story 
in the Silent Room?

       When I Read in front
of a Group, I like the 
attention that Silence cultivates
in the tribal convergence of
individual Attentions. We as 
individuals each have freedom
to listen or not. Interest 
is a choice. 

      Right now I sense 
a quiet and await
 the integral voices. I don't mind 
Good News or Bad News that leads to 
Greater Successes in the future. 

      Amongst the General commotion
I await that Sort of Voice which
I feel integral to Better 
decisions & Better choices.   

      I like that.

by John Edward Culp 
January 24, 2023