Shall We Try Again?
The ache in my heart, I’m sure, is more painful
than yours since we have been apart.
Though I try to ignore the torture and emotion,
my heart is in pain so much of the time.
My face is wet from the tears I cry silently.
I have always prided myself for being so strong.
Crying is foreign to me because I refuse to be weak,
but you, for some reason can bring me to my knees.
And yes, I do try to hide it, but not very well.
Now that my smile is small, it hides nothing.
Everyone can tell that deep down I am drowning
along with you, and there is no glory in that.
No, love can’t be the same, but maybe it can be made stronger..
So, I put down my pride and say with all that is in me
as I stand before you with no shame and tell you,
“I am still in love with you!”. And in my vulnerable state say,
“I don’t want to hide anymore behind this fake smile.”
“Forgive my pride and stubbornness, but my heart has suffered
much in life and it is hard to show vulnerability.”
Before I turn and walk away, I will ask you once only and then no moreā¦
“Shall we try again?”
Hope Restored
When we met, you were in a painful state
Someone before me had stolen the joy within you
You thought she was “the one”
But she crushed you, instead
You lost everything, including yourself
She never cherished your being
In your darkest hour, she left you
I found you broken; with a sobbing and painful soul
You were in need of a pure love
It took a long time for you to let down your walls
You began to trust me, then you smiled at me one day
I never pushed you or demanded anything from you
Our friendship grew and you became my best friend
I saw joy in your life again
I rejoiced with every smile
From friendship grew love..
A pure love that expects nothing in return but a smile;
The unconditional love and respect that you deserved
All I ever wanted was to see hope restored in your life
But I ended up with far more.
Autumn With You
Autumn has always been my favorite time of year
It’s relaxing sitting in the sun along with you, Dear
The days are now more quiet like a silent bereaving
The end of a scorching Summer is readily leaving
Taking walks hand in hand, watching our neighbors raking
as the aroma of cinnamon bring memories of baking
I welcome the deep colors that amaze my eyes
as we sit on our porch and take in the trees and blue skies
Limbs slightly blow in the breeze as a few leaves fare
creating a sense of peace within me like a whispering prayer
The sky is so clear, bright stars I can see
I lean back against you with your arms around me
As we watch another sunset from our porch swing tonight
I am thankful being with you in the Autumn Moonlight.
Kristy Ann Raines, born April 9, born inĀ California, in the United States, is a poet/writer/author, who is very versatile in her writing and internationally acclaimed.
From fantasy and love, to serious subjects such as, domestic violence, and human rights. Her passion is writing children’s books, short stories and romantic poetry. Kristy has earned many awards and has five book that she is working on. One will be published soon.