Life In Me A piece of life I always carry in me, it's not difficult besides making me slightly broody, but it's a feathery heavy unbearable load that changes it's the onus depending on mood. Mood like Venice's anachronistic charm, or like seasons at places closer to equator's arm, varies with astonishing recurrence or just changes with unbelievable happenstance. The mood is a significant part of my mundane life which controls my life in every felicity and strife I coaxed and cajoled my life to control mood nothing worthwhile happened, never for good. But then... that's life which I carry in me, A faded memory or a blushing smiley, A wailing of heartbreaking grief and a collage of various moments. ..... very very brief.
Mamadee is a student, youth leader, activist, an entrepreneur, community organizer, a writer and above all a philanthropist residing in Voinjama City, Republic of Liberia. Who captures emotions and loves to paint work like pictures. Writing for him has become an undying passion and hobby. He enjoyed a bilingual emotion- mixed childhood, in a society where everything was lively with daily scenes caught the eye, so well that he writes on many themes. He finds solace in writing what surrounds him, such as the daily scenes from society, both positive and negative. He loves to capture the life of Liberia, Africa and the world at large. Mamadee is currently a student at the Lofa County Community College, reading accounting. His passion for self sustanance in food production led him to volunteer at Agrolite.