Poetry from Mesfakus Salahin

Mesfakus Salahin

Death is the Best Art

Death is not the end of all
Rather it fails to break life's wall
It is the media of transfer
That flies us so far
It is the beginning of mystery 
That reflects personal history
Life will kill death forever 
Death will not be visitor any where 
We will be the permanent guest
The King of death and life will listen request
The world will be without boundary 
Endless life will be first mandatory 

Death is the best art
Which always dances in my heart
It is truth and beauty
Work hard and perform duty 

we are living in  truth and death
It is our power's beneath. 

One thought on “Poetry from Mesfakus Salahin

  1. what is poet without death
    what is life without death
    what is life without poet
    what is poet without life . . .
    we could go on like this until
    the end
    the beginning.

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