Poetry from Petro C.K.

Full of Plugs

Hogtied westerns
The village horse 
can't see arms
The cow poked 
the trough water again 
Rootin tootin 
brown hashed 
gun heat 
feather and 

Of Ulterior External Value 

Orthographic memories 
of all the dead sheets 

Evenings think without the woods 
poems frozen of famous words 
flourishing narrow examples

My near high stops writing
Note is not a home 
It must birth around a will

I will be collapsing through 
old-growth woods somewhere 
Tomorrow a pond sabi poem 
will snow my anxieties

Think the year 
and there deeply

Trillium Oxidation 

Midyear past neuritis
a hairdo blossom falls 
milkweed blurred vision 
a dust storm shrugs

A usury of obligations 
without hardship or inhibitions
the power to point 
to your hurried nudism

Sweeping up the wet trail 
of still more beasts 
your body thinks it will take longer 
than a llama queue
you need a bit more time degreed 

An effete moth is an indirect reference 
to something outgrown
you are now accepting silence and urgency 
of a new agent

Public Futilities 

desperate summer
a single line of ants dividing time
in a skydiving office

unfit genome
who is a wall of the day 
leave instead to get back into town 

head to a jogging house 
with the door left open for you 
and autumn in the bottle 

A Row In Which The Sky Was Restless 

a perfect time 
           for another tree 
quiet phantoms accept 
the offer of your quarter 
              to make quarter ends

        sorting through 
  all the ancient problems
  all of millennia 

        dragging the harrow from 
        this morning's walk. full time.

petro c. k. lives in the aggressive greenery of Seattle, but lets no moss grow on him. His creative life has included painting, graphic design, sound art, and DJ'ing, but only just recently dove headfirst into writing. His haiku and other short-form poems has already been widely published in dozens of eminent journals, has been nominated for several Touchstone and Pushcart awards, and he has completed his first collection of poetry.

He is the founder and editor of dadakuku (https://www.dadakuku.com), a new poetry journal of extremely short-form absurdity. 

Influenced by surrealism and dada, the poems presented here have been created in part by using predictive text.

2 thoughts on “Poetry from Petro C.K.

  1. You’ve captured some great images in these.

    This is my favorite:

    “Tomorrow a pond sabi poem
    will snow my anxieties”

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