Poetry from Roziyeva Gulbahor

Teen Central Asian girl with a pink headscarf, reading glasses, and a black coat leaning to the right.

I studied at school,
I wrote poems in class,
One day, my teacher,
I had a lot of two ends.

I promised that day
Saying I'll study at five,
That day I hit
I got on the list again.

Where do I read promise after promise,
In the teacher's waiting room,
I walk in the shelter.

When you need to read
When you read in the evening,
The age passed with joy
Don't be lonely like me.

A child

Women without children,
He says I'm hard on nails
Many women with children,
He says he is rich in this world.

God, no one
Don't be a progeny,
Be wise
Don't be foolish.

Do not despise children,
Your heart is so sad,
Children need love,
You have another Kimi.

Children wait at home, parents,
Try to comb your hair,
Even a dog caresses a child.
Pamper your baby too.


Ex dear, my moan in a dream
It broke my heart.
You are the child in me that you left behind
My mother asks where you are

A child needs a mother's love,
His mother has his friends,
This world is narrow in his eyes,
What can I do now dear?

The world has not seen mercy,
After all, he did not have a mother.
My mother is crying hard.
What can I do now dear?

No stranger will be a mother,
I can't get enough of the child either.
I also pray every day,
Thank you, I will not be disappointed

My mom.

White when it gets in my hair.
My parents remembered you.
I am thankful that my father is with me.

When life brings sorrow to the head,
I hide the moisture in my eyes,
RlErkalatib I am also a child.
I miss your caresses.

What you gave me without eating
What you put on
You made me laugh when I cried
Missing you, I remembered you.

May your grave be filled with light, mother
Your poor quality is over, mother.
This world is hard for me without you
My heavenly loving mother.


You are so delicate, you are like a sprout,
One day you will bloom like spring,
Let it sprout and grow.
Root your body to the ground.

Your veins are on the ground, your show is in the blue.
You catch the sun, it's on the curtain.
It cools the hearts and gives rest.
Takes care, gives rest
Iforing smelled and fell on the rogat.
The city and the countryside are beautiful with you.
You shake your head in the wind.
You wash your long hair in the rain.
Mountains and gardens are beautiful with you.
Poets write in praise of you, ghazals.

Your friend stabs you in the heart,
Although it is bad to eat without blood.
It hurts bitterly,
He still says he's a friend to your face.

What does a friend mean?
He will never reveal your secrets
What does a friend mean?
I don't shy away from my problem.

I didn't trust my friends either.
It is a friend to your career and wealth.
If you run out of money, he will put it aside.
He turns away when he sees it.

I found out that my parents are friends
My friend who made a complaint at the place,
Agil is my family friend,
Only Allah is my best friend.

My mom

My mother is passing, my dear.
May this grave be filled with light,
I will spread flowers on you,
Who do I open my heart to?

Prayers on the spot,
I remember what you did
Walking around our yard
I'm looking for you to walk

Life returns to Orga,
I would lay my head on your lap,
I can't take my eyes off you
I caressed

Mother's place is irreplaceable, not even a kind one.
It ended with youth,
Sweet sweet dreams


The example of life is like a candle,
burning slowly
Today from my past life
The error is increasing.

How many mistakes have I made
I committed sins,
Sometimes I cried and sometimes I laughed
Life is passing.

Heading to the place
I cried a lot
One day we will die and life is passing.

Appreciating youth
Praying sweetly
We walked and played and laughed.
Life is passing

Our life is a blank page,
How to fill from us,
Let us pray
Well done boys and girls.

Ice heart

If I say I'm white as snow
When your heart is cold
Hey spring, don't come
It's a cold autumn.

I hit you
You're a stain on my heart
I need you today
I was the one who suffered
Without my mother's word,
I turned away from the beautiful,
Not knowing that
Only I said you.

Until what happens
be happy
I will see one day
I was unhappy.

Roziyeva is the daughter of Gulbahor Hasanboy.
She was born on September 7, 2006, Koshtepa district, Fergana region. Currently, she is a 2nd year student at KHM No. 2, Koshtepa district.