Poetry from Zarnigor Ubaidullayeva

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair, a light green jacket and blue jeans. She's holding books and standing in front of a bookshelf.

A place where spring has turned into dreams

The white look of the morning in my window,

The sun of my heart rises from afar.

There is beauty in this world,

Spring is on such a fire.

The place where tulips bloom on the shores,

This world will be more beautiful.

Wake up early, look at the trees,

Spring is on such a fire,

Spring is quiet in the bosom of dreams,

There are moonlit nights.

When I open my eyes everything is bright

A place where spring has turned into dreams.

Zarnigor Ubaidullayeva Azizkulov, daughter of Ilhomjon, on January 29, 2005. Born in G’allaorol district, Jizzakh region.