Short story from Nosirova Gavhar

Central Asian teen girl with straight dark long hair, brown eyes, a blue collared shirt and her head in her hand.
Nosirova Gavhar

Unexpected Sustenance

Under the summer sun, which had lost its strength, the three friends didn’t even have time to take their hands out of their pockets, and when they were returning from school, their eyes suddenly fell on the folded and dusty money under their feet. They struck themselves with money, and they talked about who found it in the noise. 

«Whose, whose, whose?» - while shouting, not even a human voice could be heard from around. One of the children suggested that it should be divided equally among the three, while the second one wanted it not to be divided at all. And the third child, who was younger, his imagination could be seen flying in the silence
like a free bird. 

With a smile on his face, yesterday the neighbour Umida was heard whispering prayers while gazing on the moon. He was clapping with his hands in joy at the thought that came to his mind: «Let’s do a favour?!» - he said. 

While the children looked at him questioningly, the boy took them by the hand and ran towards the store without saying anything .Forgetting to say «hello», he asked the shop owner to give him something for breaking the fast. 

His friends were surprised and said with a smile: «What, there is nothing at home?» After shopping with all the money, they went straight to Umida’s house. After straightening her headscarf,
Sister Umida with a radiant face turned to them. With a heart full of love, the boy was staring and holding a package full of dates and fruits in his hand saying: «Bless us also in your Iftar prayer.» 

While stroking the boy’s head, Sister Umida prayed, «May what you find be gold.» The two friends standing behind him did not raise their heads from the ground until their faces turned red…

Nosirova Gavhar was born on August 16, 2000 in the city of Shahrisabz, Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. Today, she is a third-year student of the Faculty of Philology of the Samarkand State University of Uzbekistan. Being a lover of literature, she is engaged in writing stories and poems. Her creative works have been published in Uzbek and English. In addition, she is a member of «All India Council for Development of Technical Skills», «Juntos por las letras» of Argentina, «2DSA Global Community». Winner of the «Korabl znaniy» and «Talenty Rossii» contests, holder of the international C1 level in the Russian language, Global Education ambassador of Wisdom University and global coordinator of the Iqra Foundation in Uzbekistan. «Magic pen holders» talented young group of Uzbekistan, «Kayva Kishor», «Friendship of people», «Raven Cage», «The Daily Global Nation», Argentina's «Multi Art-6», Kenya’s «Serenity: A compilation of art and literature by women» contains creative works in the magazine and anthology of poets and writers.