Poetry from Joan Beebe

A Free Spirit
I watch the birds flying free in the sky
And I think to myself I want to fly with them.
They are free to wander wherever they might
And their freedom stirs a longing in me —
To join them in their journey and they know the way
Where there is beauty and safety for them to enjoy.
As I keep watching those birds in their flight,
My longing increases and my spirit joins them in
Their canopy of song filling the air with their joy.

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Poetry from Joan Beebe

There is an old friend
Who silently waits for me.
I walk by with hardly a glance,
But silently and hopefully she waits.
I thought about my old friend and
How I have neglected her.
Right then I decided it is time for me
To share my friendship with all my love.
The piano bench is gleaming
And calls me to come.
My fingers start playing
And the sound refreshes my soul.
I had fallen asleep when
Something strange occurred.
It seems I was in surgery with
Masked people everywhere.
There were many instruments
Lying on carts and everything very sterile.
Large lights shining down upon me and
All kinds of machines and oxygen tanks.
I had such a fear of what was going to come next.
Suddenly a hand from behind me took my hand –
It was warm, tender and loving.
I experienced the most peaceful feeling coming over me.
It was a feeling that I cannot even explain.
Never before had such a feeling of perfect peace
Come to me.
Though I can’t explain it, my wish is that the whole
World will know that “peace that surpasses understanding”

Poetry from Joan Beebe


Universal Human Sorrow
There are times when life seems to overwhelm us
We become trapped in a world of our own and
Imperfect we are not,  but
 We still strive for peace and harmony in our home
Sadly it seems all efforts are wasted.
Our hearts cry out for love and understanding.
Time seems to stand still in this place of longing
Nothing seems to change and we become
A prisoner of a broken heart
The day is ending but the lowering sun
Has not given up its radiant glow across the sky.
Watching this beautiful panorama before me,
I see a streak of silver as the sun reflects its
Light upon a plane causing an almost
Magical luminous effect.
I am entranced by the sight above me
And as I continue to watch that plane,
I feel and sense the awesome power of nature
Because, in unexpected ways, we are able
To witness such a blending of nature and man.

Poetry from Joan Beebe

Playing a piano concerto at Carnegie Hall,
A baseball star and being voted into the Hall of Fame,
A famous writer with people clamoring for more of your books.
All of these things can take place in your imagination.
 You are able to fly away from reality and be in another world of your own.
Children seem to have that ability and they are happy in their make believe world.
Sometimes we need that time to dream and be in that happier place of renewal and joy.
That imaginary world is one we create ourselves because sometimes the stress of this world is too much and we long for peace and where we feel content and free. 
Our imaginary dreams can become a reality if we focus on the positive areas of our life and push the negatives aside.  We become and create that world of peace and joy within ourselves. 

Poetry from Joan Beebe

A New Year’s Purpose
At the start of the New Year,
My purpose is clear –
To fly a mighty jet through skies of blue,
I toss and turn as a storm approaches
I’m up and I’m down and sideways too.
But my struggle is a test
And my training prevails.
Once again all is calm
As I race through the skies
To a faraway home, where my heart and soul lie.     
But as I look at my soft, comfy bed,
I still dream of blue skies waiting for me.
There are no boundaries in that vast space
And my plane and I are flying free.
(dedicated to Kyle by Joan)

Poem from Joan Beebe

Two hearts entwined
In an unbroken circle
A pledge of everlasting love
To the end of time
A circle can become tarnished
Through all the years
But it remains unbroken
Because the memories of those
Words that were spoken so long ago,
I love you with all my heart,
And the ring remains as
A circle of love.

Poetry from Joan Beebe

Softly treading through the mossy grasses in a pristine wood,
There is a feeling of peace that envelops you as well as
The strength that seems to fill you with a confidence not known before.
Gazing at dew drop leaves that sparkle in the sunlight
Finding the small beginnings of renewal from a once devastated forest.
Small shoots of trees that will become again a tribute to nature.
The constant moving and shifting of the earth causing new
Life to appear in the way rivers can change their course
Or new life may appear in remote areas of the earth.
Nature gives life to the world around us –
From the variety of animals, birds and those who crawl on the ground.
Each species contributes to the life of the forest and everyone
Benefits from the growth and renewal of the great forests across our land.
From a sandy shore we gaze at the far away horizon.  It seems endless but we know that it will end thousands of miles from us, at a distant shore.
The waters look peaceful but below the surface there is a constant struggle between Life and death.  All of the aquatic species have predators and the last one is man.
The oceans are constantly replenishing themselves to keep life and growth for the needs of our civilization. There is a  quiet and peaceful feeling in your soul when walking on a beach.  The shimmering sun shines down upon the sand causing the illusion of waves in motion as it softly runs between your toes.  You feel the water tickling and soothing
your feet.  One feels relaxed and free in this environment. 
Nature not only provides man with food, materials and water but  beauty beyond description and we are thankful for its gifts.

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