Essay from Joan Beebe

A Vacation in the West
My husband decided it was time to take a delayed retirement trip.  I picked up an AAA book and started to look at ways to have a memorable vacation.  The first thing was transportation and we decided to take the local Amtrak train to Chicago and then board the train for Denver, Colorado.   Our experience on that train to Denver was wonderful. We had a nice room with a fresh rose on the table and a shower all our own.  The food was quite good and they had coffee ready every morning at 6:00 AM. It was a very relaxing way to travel and not have to worry about traffic, road maps and detours.
 We stayed one night in Denver but managed to tour the Federal Mint which was very interesting. Denver was quite beautiful with the mountains in the distance

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Poetry from Joan Beebe

The month of October is special to your mom and dad
For that is not only when you were born,
But when they met at a Halloween Party and were so glad
So round and round the room they did chase
And they had big smiles on their face.
Their love for each other seemed to bloom right away
They shared their lives and looked to the day
When the circle of their rings and the vows they made
Would together as one knew their love would never fade
Then, after some time, little Rosemary was born
Their joy knew no bounds as they gazed into your face
Love was completed as they held a baby of their own
When one October day you arrived and they brought you home.   

Poetry from Joan Beebe

Jim Beebe (Joan's husband's) clock.

Jim Beebe (Joan’s husband’s) clock.

The Clock
Finely Fretted –
Lacey Cuts,
Tall and Commanding,
It stands in 3D and is
A Work of Art
But overpowering–
An Illusion of a Time Long Ago.

Poetry from Joan Beebe


The sun’s golden rays

shine gently down upon the trees,

And it makes me want to say,

O Lord, I thank thee.

The burnished colors of

Red and orange and gold

Stir a feeling of contentment

Within my soul.

Another summer has passed us by, and yet,

When I gaze at the autumn sky,

I feel the peace and joy

of your love near by.

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Poetry from Joan Beebe

The Rising and Setting of the Sun


   A new day dawns and there is an eerie silence around us.

We wonder as we look at the darkened sky

And we perceive a tiny sliver of gold appearing.

With a shimmering afterglow that gives one a feeling of

Being in another time and place.

Now the rays of the sun shine bright upon the earth

Our senses awake more intensely

We are one with the panorama before us

There is a freshening of life upon the earth.

Slowly but steadily we watch the morning sun appear.

It has beauty as shades of pink

begin to stretch out across the sky.

In the quiet of this new day,

we reflect on the gifts of this sun

Our spirits are lifted and we are happy

We are thankful for the warmth and nourishment it provides.

As the day ends, we watch the slow setting of the sun.

The sky becomes a canvass of red, pinks and gold with

Streaks of light clouds blending in so beautifully that

It becomes a palette of colors across the sky.

It is now the quiet time of the night and we rest.


A Broken Heart

There are times when life seems to overwhelm us

We become trapped in a world of our own and

Our hearts cry out for love and understanding.

Time seems to stand still in this place of longing

Nothing seems to change and we become

A prisoner of a broken heart

Another Day

I wake up after only a few hours of sleep

My mind starts overpowering me with what is to come’

Why must it be full of shouting and misery?

The day seems endless and there are tears

Where is the joy that should be part of this day

What is there upon which I can look forward

Just shouting, tension and stress

Yes, it is another day.

Poetry from Joan Beebe

Cottonwood Seeds

Cottonwood seeds are so tiny and small

And the wind can carry them far before they fall.

But do they have to arrive at my window screens

And plug all the openings as they come on the scene

Now, I think nature is a wonderful thing

But cottonwood seeds in my screens only bring

Scrubbing and cleaning and work so hard

That I think I will go out in my yard

And look at my screens to finally let out

My frustrated scream and as they are about

To take me away, I look once more

At seeds on the screens and I know that

They think they have won – but not for long,

Because a new season begins and will right this wrong.

The time for those seeds has ended.

I can now see the beauty that surrounds me again

And am grateful that nature finally stepped in.

Poetry from Joan Beebe


We wonder, sometimes, about families we see,

Are they happy and content as they should be.

Behind their closed doors there may be strife

Affecting their home and always their life.

What makes a family so sad and despaired

There may not be enough love shared

That makes a person whole and happy and content

But that love has to be shown and really meant.

People yearn for a life that will bring the love they need

And, without knowing, we have planted the seed.

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