Essay from Ravshanbekova Asalkhon

XXI century: is it possible to raise responsible children?

As a result of the speeding up of time and the development of science and technology, today there is probably not a single house in the world where gadgets have not penetrated. Earlier, there was only one television set in one house, but today there is a separate television set for each room of the house, Wi-Fi, and smartphones and additional gadgets are widely used for each member of the house. Humanity, as we know it, seems to have somehow migrated to technology. When your loved one is sick, instead of visiting them, you start asking about the situation over the phone, citing various reasons. There is no limit to the use of a mobile device in your child's daily schedule, which means that he can use the phone when he wants, as he wants. 

Try to remember the children of not so long ago, 10 years ago. We were the last group of children who thought like children, played with toys, and never got tired of chasing after the ball. Now, as soon as the baby cries, they give him a phone, as if the pain of the parents is reduced when he stops crying. This naturally turns the phone into a calming tool for the child. If the phone does not hang up, it becomes a habit to keep crying. If parents read books to their children, plant them together, organize trips, often visit their relatives' houses, wait for guests, give the child easy tasks and attract him to a specific direction, then surely such a child will not become a slave to the phone in the future. At a time when the virtual world is attracting all of us, it will definitely bring good results in the future to use it purposefully, to spend the most necessary part of our time not with gadgets, but with effective tools. It doesn't matter what era you live in, the most important thing is that humanity should not become dependent on what it has created, but rather, a person should not stop learning, developing, and creating.

Author: Ravshanbekova Asalkhon

One thought on “Essay from Ravshanbekova Asalkhon

  1. This is a serious issue, probably much more serious than most people seem to think. To know that somebody is endeavouring to offer concrete alternatives to smartphone-based education is reassuring. Hope there’re many other people in the world who share your opinion and approach.

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