Poetry from J.D. Nelson

a rainbow halo
around the bright moon tonight—
somewhere, a dog barks

neighbors’ Christmas lights . . .
Orion reclines as he
rises in the east

cold, dark December—
is that a jet way up high
or the space station?

power lines ripped down
by high winds before the storm—
first day of winter

eleven below—
the two chickens have to sleep
in the humans’ house

silence at midnight . . .
six inches of heavy snow
weighs down the tree’s boughs



J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) experiments with words in his subterranean laboratory. His poems have appeared in many small press publications, worldwide, since 2002. He is the author of ten chapbooks and e-books of poetry, including Cinderella City (The Red Ceilings Press, 2012). Nelson’s first full-length collection is in ghostly onehead, published by Post-Asemic Press in December 2022. Visit MadVerse.com for more information and links to his published work. His haiku blog is at JDNelson.net. Nelson lives in Colorado, USA.