clusterfuck sitting in the dark scribbling poems by an old flashlight listening to the silence power has been out for about two hours now this is when you wish you had a front porch and something to smoke in a pipe trying to figure out what in the pantry can pass as dinner tonight good thing mom isn't on oxygen anymore what a clusterfuck that would be ------------------------------------------------------------------ the longest line of whatever it is very tempting to just check out of this world snort the longest line of whatever and hope that the light is a fucking train the lousy cards you were dealt you played as well as possible old fucks like you aren't supposed to be around this long and sure, there is always a debt to be paid to the demons but you chose to become their leader a spokesperson a restless soul defying the odds until you can't stand another day of it ----------------------------------------------------------- never cool just effective an endless amount of paperwork death is as painful as living of course, you don't learn that until it is much too late life is wasted on the young and it has been that way since someone decided that time existed and simple was never cool just effective i checked out of the rat race years ago never had the money to play those games anyway ------------------------------------------------------------------- tearing at the seams chasing death like tomorrow may never exist the fabric of the family tearing at the seams how could we ever forget the rich are never wrong the old skeletons start to dance and all the young alcoholics already know what is waiting for them on the other side it is a slow trickle of good news on a cloudy day the woman of your dreams was burned at the stake imagine those poems -------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe these demons five in the morning and the neon queen dances across my mind all these miles between us fade as time seems to stand still no matter how much i love you, i can't help but think disappointment is only a few seconds away you have a way with your smile to calm these old nerves and eventually, i'll get out of my own way hopefully, you'll still be alive or even fucking interested maybe these demons will finally let the old fool win one for a change
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is old enough to know better. He’s been widely published over the years, most recently at Terror House Magazine, The Beatnik Cowboy, Horror Sleaze Trash, Misfit Magazine and Mad Swirl. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)