Poetry from John Culp



       Support my feet 

Looks like Liquid 
       feels like street 

I'm Heart filled Dreaming 
     I could go Home 

But Bring Here Heaven 
      just now on loan 

LOVE lift my thought 
     Above Being tried 

As STEPS ON Liquid 
          are not denied 

       Support my feet 

Looks like Liquid 
       feels like street


by John Edward Culp
Saturday Morning
February 18, 2017

2 thoughts on “Poetry from John Culp

  1. My favorite passage from the Bible, after the Resurrection, is the story of when Peter briefly walked on water before doubting and beginning to sink. So I really liked your poem. It powerfully evoked the Gospel story. My only complaint is that I wanted more. I think you could write a longer poem on this theme and it would be great. I’m a little partial to the Peter walks on water story. I go into it in depth in my story, The Crucifixion of Saint Peter, which you can read on Foreshadow Magazine 2022.

    • My Friend,
      You have planted a seed. I don’t know it will take root. How can I know, the Love begins new every day. I have opened my hand. Your preference has a sky waiting to fill.

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