Poetry from Mesfakus Salahin

Sweet Butterfly 
Md. Mesfakus Salahin

Sweet sweet colourful butterfly
Have you enjoyed all the sky?
If I had the wings like you
I would keep nothing new
I would be faster than time
Breathing dream and rhyme. 

Von Von the buzzing grasshopper
Visitor of the upper and the lower
You and gypsy  are the twin
Never keep me below your line
I want to fly with your wings
l will be the king of the kings.

Oh dear bumble bee, the spring guest
To you I have an urgent request
You are  swinging with flowers
Don't forget to take me with you, brother
Of course this world will be mine
To everyone l will be very fine.

A Broken Heart
Md. Mesfakus Salahin

A broken road never connects two hearts
A broken egg never births cockerel in Yachts 
A broken wheel never runs a bullocks cart 
A piece of thorned cloth never begets a shirt.

A broken heart never beats well
A rotten flower never gives sweet smell
A dry fountain never spreads hope and light
A dead river never reflects life and sight.

A foggy sun never finds sunny morning
But a broken heart overflows love still evening
True love is never defeated  by anyone 
True love is that two hearts that beat as one.