Poetry from Murodova Muslima Kadyrovna

Flag of Uzbekistan
Flag of the country
The place of worship is golden soil,
A hot spring is a healing herb.
The motto he always used to say,
The flag of the Motherland is sacred

My flag flutters in the sky,
Uzbek pride is the national flag.
Reflecting four different meanings,
The flag of the Motherland is sacred.

Clear skies and blue waters,
The reflected blue color is blue color.
My grandfather's soul is happy enough,
The flag of the Motherland is sacred.

Red color is blood
Green is characteristic of nature.
White is a symbol of purity, peace,
The flag of the Motherland is sacred.

We are the future of this country.
Our stars of tomorrow.
Let us raise the flag of this country.
The flag of the Motherland is sacred.

Murodova Muslima Kadyrovna is a student in the 6th “A” grade of the 30th general school of Jondor district, Bukhara region, Uzbekistan.

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