Poetry from Ridwanullah Solahudeen


If anyone asks,
I will say it is not an adventure
Setting a boat in an evening tide,
But on a misty morning
With agile waves
With no clear figure
What the day holds in her folded hands is
This is to say that,
It's better to travel at night than in the day
Because, that was how my grandmother was taken ashore 
And she didn't return
And when I will visit the Island in the future,
I pray that I row in a night boat too
Without our soul sitting in the dock, a leg in, a leg out
For that costs twice
To put both legs to sea at once.

Poetry from Aisha MLabo

Aisha MLabo

She is like a star to the world 
Darling to all center of attraction 
The prettiest piece of flesh 
Cynosure of all eyes 
Glowing in her cocktail outfit 
Her veil falls soft over her curly hair 
And her skin is a wintry cream 
With her velvet high heels 
Adorned with hearts walkable and pretty 
Holding amaryllis in her hands 
That brings her splendid beauty  
She have a euphonious voice 
Oh black beautiful blushing bride!
After the twenty four hours period, she was getting hitched.

Short Bio

Aisha MLabo writes from Katsina state and she is currently studying at Umaru Musa Yar'adua University,Katsina.

Poetry from Muhammed Sinan


The tiny virus locked her on a smelly hospital bed

Alone as deserted in sand dunes

No one to talk to and take care of

I saw her screaming with pain and losing her mind

A mother of two smart offsprings

Sometimes she laid like the dead

The ventilator looks like a new organ

Nurses in astronaut dress trying their best to save her life

I can sense my heart weeping
On the plight of that lonely grandma

Collaboration between artist Thomas Fink and poet Mark Young

from 100 Titles from Tom Beckett:

#84: Whose Skin Might This Be?

Image by Thomas Fink

To be comfortable in your own skin is the beginning of strength.

Charles Handy

Alcohol acts as a sedative. Hormones

die down, dopamine starts to fire. I am

more relaxed, sorting out in my mind

the more meaningful aspects of my life

by writing down notes about them even

though I do not process language by an

analysis of its grammatical categories.

Our personalities, the environments

that nurture us, make us who we are.

Character has an inherently moral cast.

That an assassin has their own moral

code is something few people talk about.

To be comfortable in someone else’s

skin is the beginning of compassion.

#85: Scanning Barcodes

Thomas Fink

starts a new life of piety & righteousness

can put a child in serious danger of injury or unnecessary medical care

sometimes makes an individual decide to perpetrate a sexual crime on another person

makes some people say they feel exhausted & sad after doing it

makes other people turn to pornography to self soothe their anxiety or depression

is generally associated in the Western world with Right-wing populism

can cause your body to release a number of hormones

may cause inflammation of the pancreas

is a pejorative label used to discriminate against “new religious movements”

helps dogs to develop patience

causes your tyres to wear down more quickly

kills more than 480,000 people in the U.S. each year

will not lead to blindness

Note: The poem ‘Scanning Barcodes’ has appeared previously in Scud. Our thanks for permission to include it here.

Poetry from Uduak Wisdom Ezekiel


In this Market,

Man stands alone, like a flower among thorns

Not until he tips the merchant

Like a seller, waves an old customer to a seat.

Then, he becomes a camouflaged chameleon.

In this Market,

Man is desperate to announce himself

Like a child, through pained cries.

Over time, he registers his presence with goosebumps amidst cries.

In this market,

Man stands alone

When through the crowd, he walks like the wind.

Unaccompanied. Unseen. Unheard. Untouched. But felt.

In this market,

Man stands alone

When the seats once warmed by his presence,

Like the heat of the sun, 

are left cold, when he sets like the sun.

In this market,

Man stands alone

When his name is called 

before titles and crowns.

The silence drowns out his screaming response.

In Honour of Late Awo.

Poet's Bio

Uduak Wisdom Ezekiel is an indigene of Mkpat Enin, Akwa Ibom state. He is an Undergraduate in the faculty of Law, University of Uyo, currently taking courses on creative writing and Poetry on Coursera. He has won several literary prizes for speaking and writing, and already his first work published on Synchronized Chaos Magazine titled, The Solitude Of Man along with hundreds of unpublished ones.

Poetry from Muhammed Sinan

    *The foggy day*

It's the time to wake up early

With the distress of fog 

The white cool air fills my room

With a sneezing sound.

It pushes me into bano (bathroom)

With my morning tools 

I open the tap 

The snowy water falls into the vase.

I run back to the room 

Jump into my bed and begin to 

Sleep with my pillow 

Which once I used to hug every night. 

Poetry from Ian Copestick

The Rainstorm

I sit here
11:40 p.m.
Listening to
a rainstorm.

There can't
be many
better feelings
than this.

Than being
safe inside,
hearing the

The rain

battering at
your window,

as you drink
your last drink.

Give your cat,
and dog a

turn off the
lights, and
just lay there

listening to
the rain.


They Are There

I've really,
really enjoyed

Catching up
with a friend.
both red, and
white wines,
and whisky.

But that's
far from the
most enjoyable
part of the night.

That would be
the conversation,
the laughter, of
which there was

Sometimes I feel
quite misanthropic,
but nights like tonight
show me just what a
fool I am.

Yes, some people
are monsters, but
there are also the
other type.

The genuinely good
ones, I'll admit that
you don't come across
them very often, but
they are there. 


Once upon a time,
I was reading up on

I was feeling very
depressed, and one
of the first things I
saw was that one of
the four Universal
Truths is that, " All
Life Is Suffering."

The way I was feeling
right then, I was very
impressed with that.

It really struck me as a
Universal Truth.

I read more about

But, a year later,
I realised that,
it's not quite true.

Not in the slightest.

I'll agree that a Hell
of a lot of life is
suffering, but no
way is all of it.

There's sex,
although it's a
long time since
I last had it.

Music, poetry,
comedy, drinking.

A walk in the

A beautiful meadow,
my beautiful pets .

Yes .

There's a lot of
suffering, but
there are also
a lot of good 

A lot of fun.